Lists (16)
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🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
An opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails
Client Side Validations made easy for Ruby on Rails
Database backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
faster, friendlier Docker on OS X. Deprecated.
A Gitk-like application written in RubyCocoa that looks like it belongs on a Mac. See the wiki for downloads and screenshots.
A universal interface to import email contacts from various providers including Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Plaxo.
tmm1 / amqp
Forked from ruby-amqp/amqpAMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
Ever wondered what HTTP requests the Ruby gem you are using to connect to a third party API is making? Use HTTP Spy to see what is going on behind the scenes
Lyndon wraps JavaScript in a loving MacRuby embrace. A fun hack that is no longer maintained.
A toolkit for interacting with CrowdFlower via the REST API
A plugin that makes the facebooker gem play nice with Merb
Rails plugin that provides deep integration with Beanstalk.
An IMAP adapter for DataMapper. Supports reading, writing, updating... the whole works.
vanpelt / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify
A rip-off of will_paginate to get pagination going on merb
vanpelt / amqp
Forked from ruby-amqp/amqpAMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
vanpelt / merb-core
Forked from wycats/merb-coreMerb Core: All you need. None you don't.
vanpelt / jekyll
Forked from jekyll/jekyllJekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby