yum install ansible
apt install ansible
pip install ansible
remote machine should have 'python' - 'gather_facts: False' otherwise
- path variable $Ansible_Config
- ./ansible.cfg
- ~/ansible.cfg
- /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml --extra-vars "$*"
with path to file for external parameters
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml --extra-vars @/path/to/var.properties
ansible remote* -i inventory.ini -m "ping"
ansible remote* -i inventory.ini --module-name "ping"
ansible remote* -i inventory.ini -a "hostname"
- name: scripts {{ item }}
mode: 0777
src: "templates/{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ root_folder }}/{{ item }}"
- "start-all.sh"
- "status.sh"
- "stop-all.sh"
--limit {playbookfile}.retry
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --start-at-task="name of the start to be started from"
- before
db_user: my_user
db_password: my_password
ansible_ssh_pass: my_ssh_password
- after ( 'vars' block is empty ) filepath:
or groupvars:
db_user: my_user
db_password: my_password
ansible_ssh_pass: my_ssh_password
cut code from original file and paste it into separate file ( with appropriate alignment !!! ), write instead of the code:
- include: path_to_folder/path_to_file
approprate file should be created:
- debug:
msg: "print variable: {{ my_own_var }}"
- mail:
to: [email protected]
subject: info
body: das ist information
ignore_errors: yes
- command: cat /var/log/server.log
register: server_log_file
failed_when : "'ERROR' in server_log_file.stdout"
default value
default path is {{ my_custom_path | default("/opt/program/script.sh") }}
operation with list
{{ [1,2,3] | min }}
{{ [1,2,3] | max }}
{{ [1,2,3] | first }}
{{ [1,2,3] | last }}
{{ [1,2,3,2,3,] | unique }}
{{ [1,2,3] | union([1,2]) }}
{{ [1,2,3] | intersect([3]) }}
{{ 100 | random }}
{{ ["space", "separated", "value"] | join(" ") }}
file name from path (return 'script.sh')
{{ "/etc/program/script.sh" | basename }}
example of plugin
{{ list_of_values | average }}
python code for plugin
dev average(list):
return sum(list) / float(len(list))
class AverageModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {'average': average}
export ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS=/full/path/to/folder/with/plugin
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
replace value from file with special format
{{ lookup('csvfile', 'web_server file=credentials.csv delimiter=,') }}
{{ lookup('ini', 'password section=web_server file=credentials.ini') }}
inventory file, inventory file with variables, rules
[remote_ssh] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_port=22 ansible_user=tc ansible_password=tc
python inventory.py (with 'py' extension) instead of txt
import json
data = {"databases": {"hosts": ["host1", "host2"], "vars": {"ansible_ssh_host":"", "ansible_ssh_pass":"Passw0rd"} }}
also next logic should be present
inventory.py --list
inventory.py --host databases
[remote_ssh] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_port=22 ansible_user=tc ansible_password=tc http_port=8090
playbook usage:
for one specific host without inventory file
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i
with inventory file
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml
strategy: linear
- linear ( default ) after each step waiting for all servers
- free independently for all servers - someone can finish installation significantly earlier than others
additional parameter - specify amount of servers to be executed at the time ( for default strategy only )
serial: 3
serial: 20%
serial: [5,15,20]
default value "serial" into configuration ansible.cfg
forks = 5
not all modules support this operation execute command in asynchronous mode ( with preliminary estimation 120 sec ), with default poll result of the command - 10 ( seconds )
async: 120
execute command in asynchronous mode ( with preliminary estimation 120 sec ), with poll result of the command - 60 ( seconds )
async: 120
poll: 60
execute command and forget, not to wait for execution
async: 120
poll: 0
execute command in asynchronous mode, register result checking result at the end of the file
- command: /opt/my_personal_long_run_command.sh
async: 120
poll: 0
register: custom_command_result
- name: check status result
async_status: jid={{ custom_command_result.ansible_job_id }}
register: command_result
until: command_result.finished
retries: 20
execute code into your project folder './roles'
ansible-galaxy init {project/role name}
./roles/{project/role name}
insert into code
- {project/role name}
all folders of the created project will be applied to your project ( tasks, vars, defaults ) in case of manual creation - only necessary folders can be created
ansible-galaxy search {project/role name}
import existing roles from ansible galaxy
cd roles
ansible-galaxy import {name of the project/role}
insert into code
- {project/role name}
all folders of the imported project will be applied to your project ( tasks, vars, defaults )
create/update file:
./roles/{project/role name}/meta/main.yml
TASK [{project/role name}: {task name}] ***********************************
for example
TASK [java : install java with jdbc libraries] ***********************************
ansible-vault encrypt inventory.txt
ansible-vault view inventory.txt
ansible-vault create inventory.txt
ask password via command line
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.txt -ask-vault-pass
file should contain the password
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.txt -vault-password-file ./file_with_pass.txt
script should return password
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.txt -vault-password-file ./file_with_pass.py
list of all modules custom module playground custom module creation doc
apt, python installation
- name: example of apt install
apt: name='{{ item }}' state=installed
- python
- python-setuptools
- python-dev
- build-essential
- python-pip
- name: example of start unix service
name: mysql
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: manage python packages via pip
name: flask
- debug:
msg: ">>> {{ data_portal_deploy_folder }}/data-portal.jar"
- system
- commands
- database
- cloud
- windows
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host."}
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook-directory.yml