Shipping service is responsible for finding the distance of the package to be shipped and calculate the price based on that.
Shipping service is written in Java, Hence we need to install Java.
Maven is a Java Packaging software, Hence we are going to install maven, This indeed takes care of java installation.
dnf install maven -y
Configure the application.
Add application User
useradd roboshop
Lets setup an app directory.
mkdir /app
Download the application code to created app directory.
curl -L -o /tmp/
cd /app
unzip /tmp/
Every application is developed by development team will have some common softwares that they use as libraries. This application also have the same way of defined dependencies in the application configuration.
Lets download the dependencies & build the application
cd /app
mvn clean package
mv target/shipping-1.0.jar shipping.jar
We need to setup a new service in systemd so systemctl can manage this service
Setup SystemD Shipping Service
Description=Shipping Service
ExecStart=/bin/java -jar /app/shipping.jar
Load the service.
systemctl daemon-reload
Start the service.
systemctl enable shipping
systemctl start shipping
For this application to work fully functional we need to load schema to the Database.
We need to load the schema. To load schema we need to install mysql client.
To have it installed we can use
dnf install mysql -y
Load Schema
mysql -h <MYSQL-SERVER-IPADDRESS> -uroot -pRoboShop@1 < /app/schema/shipping.sql
This service needs a restart because it is dependent on schema, After loading schema only it will work as expected, Hence we are restarting this service. This
systemctl restart shipping