Allows to create new Multisig contracts just by sending a transactions with the required configuration and funds.
E.g. Removes need for using near repl
and having wasm file available.
Deploy to new developer account on TestNet:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile=res/multisig_factory.wasm
Setup variable for the contract to use commands below easier:
# bash
# fish
set CONTRACT_ID "dev-1608694678554-8567049"
Create a new multisig with the given parameters and attached amount (50N) passed to multisig contract:
near call $CONTRACT_ID create '{"name": "test", "members": [{"account_id": "illia"}, {"account_id": "testmewell.testnet"}, {"public_key": "ed25519:Eg2jtsiMrprn7zgKKUk79qM1hWhANsFyE6JSX4txLEuy"}], "num_confirmations": 1}' --accountId $CONTRACT_ID --amount 50 --gas 100000000000000