diff --git a/migrations/20140218_mysteryitem.js b/migrations/mysteryitems.js
similarity index 66%
rename from migrations/20140218_mysteryitem.js
rename to migrations/mysteryitems.js
index 50b0cebe111..152ad142edf 100644
--- a/migrations/20140218_mysteryitem.js
+++ b/migrations/mysteryitems.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-// {_id:'9'},
- {$push: {'purchased.plan.mysteryItems':{$each:['armor_mystery_201402','head_mystery_201402','back_mystery_201402']}}},
+ {$push: {'purchased.plan.mysteryItems':{$each:['armor_mystery_201403','headAccessory_mystery_201403']}}},
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/marketing/promos/201403_Forest_Walker.png b/public/marketing/promos/201403_Forest_Walker.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..af6b929725f
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/marketing/promos/201403_Forest_Walker.png differ
diff --git a/views/shared/modals/new-stuff.jade b/views/shared/modals/new-stuff.jade
index 971c3b1d408..9d1ab94d7dd 100644
--- a/views/shared/modals/new-stuff.jade
+++ b/views/shared/modals/new-stuff.jade
@@ -16,33 +16,48 @@ script(type='text/ng-template', id='modals/newStuff.html')
- h5 Spring Fling Event
- p Spring has come to Habitica, and flowers have sprouted everywhere: in the Stables, in the Marketplace... and even in your character customization pages!
+ h5 March Mystery Item Set
+ img.pull-right(src='/marketing/promos/201403_Forest_Walker.png')
+ p The March Mystery Item Set has been revealed for all subscribers... The Forest Walker Set! All people who are subscribed this February will receive two items: Forest Walker Armor and Forest Walker Antlers!
+ br
+ p The antlers are a head accessory, so they can be worn with any helmet.
+ br
+ p You still have five more days to subscribe and get the item set. Thank you all for supporting us! We love you <3
- h5 Head Accessories
- p That's right - we've introduced Head Accessories! Your avatar can now bedeck their helms with colorful flowers. And that's not the only place to get head accessories….
- tr
- td
- h5 Limited Edition Class Outfits
- p The Spring 2014 Limited Edition Class Outfits have been released!
- p From now until April 30th, you will be able to use your gold to buy your current class' armor set from the Rewards store! You can be a Stealthy Kitty, a Mighty Bunny, a Magic Mouse, or a Loving Pup. If you switch classes (system unlocked at level 10), you will gain access to your new classes' armor set. Make sure to collect yours first, though!
- p What are you waiting for? Go be productive and earn some gold!
- tr
- td
- h5 New Un-Equip Mechanic
- p Now to un-equip your gear, click the same item that you have currently equipped. We removed the "Base Equipment" tier for consistency with how un-equipping pets & mounts is handled, and to easily support adding new gear types.
- tr
- td
- h5 Pet Quest: The Ghost Stag
- p The meadows of Habitica are bursting with flowers, sunshine, and.... ominous mist? Looks like a ghost stag is keeping winter alive! Defeat him, and maybe you'll get an egg or three....
- tr
- td
- h5 And More To Come...
- p This is only the beginning of all the treats that we've got in store for you. Stay tuned - and happy Spring Fling!
- small.muted 03/22/2014
+ h5 PayPal Subscriptions
+ p We've added PayPal as a payment method for subscriptions. We still recommend the Card method, as Stripe (the processor we use) has a more stable API and better account management tools. However, we realize not everyone owns a credit/debit card, so there's PayPal for ya!
+ small.muted 03/25/2014
+ hr
+ h5 03/22/2014
+ table.table.table-striped
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 Spring Fling Event
+ p Spring has come to Habitica, and flowers have sprouted everywhere: in the Stables, in the Marketplace... and even in your character customization pages!
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 Head Accessories
+ p That's right - we've introduced Head Accessories! Your avatar can now bedeck their helms with colorful flowers. And that's not the only place to get head accessories….
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 Limited Edition Class Outfits
+ p The Spring 2014 Limited Edition Class Outfits have been released!
+ p From now until April 30th, you will be able to use your gold to buy your current class' armor set from the Rewards store! You can be a Stealthy Kitty, a Mighty Bunny, a Magic Mouse, or a Loving Pup. If you switch classes (system unlocked at level 10), you will gain access to your new classes' armor set. Make sure to collect yours first, though!
+ p What are you waiting for? Go be productive and earn some gold!
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 New Un-Equip Mechanic
+ p Now to un-equip your gear, click the same item that you have currently equipped. We removed the "Base Equipment" tier for consistency with how un-equipping pets & mounts is handled, and to easily support adding new gear types.
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 Pet Quest: The Ghost Stag
+ p The meadows of Habitica are bursting with flowers, sunshine, and.... ominous mist? Looks like a ghost stag is keeping winter alive! Defeat him, and maybe you'll get an egg or three....
+ tr
+ td
+ h5 And More To Come...
+ p This is only the beginning of all the treats that we've got in store for you. Stay tuned - and happy Spring Fling!
h5 03/18/2014