Telegram Bot Api wrapper with a user-friendly interface.
Add the ksp plugin and library to the dependencies.
build.gradle.kts example:
plugins {
// ...
id("") version "2.0.10-1.0.24"
dependencies {
// ...
To install snapshot versions add dev repository:
repositories {
// ...
maven("") // this
And use the latest package version from packages or from badge above.
- Template repository - draft example.
- FeedbackBot - Use ready example of a feedback bot.
- Conversation - An example of using
and usage ofBotContext
. - Echo - Echo bot :)
- Poll - An example of how to build a questionnaire bot.
- Ktor webhook starter - An example of using webhook mode with Ktor.
- Spring Boot usage - An example of using the bot organically in the Spring ecosystem, using its built-in DI.
- Heroku ready example - An example of a bot working via Heroku.
- Native example - An example of using a bot with Kotlin Native target.
- Web app - Example of a bot using Telegram Webapps.
suspend fun main() {
val bot = TelegramBot("BOT_TOKEN")
// start long-polling listener
suspend fun start(user: User, bot: TelegramBot) {
message { "Hello, what's your name?" }.send(user, bot)
bot.inputListener[user] = "conversation"
@InputHandler(["conversation"], guard = UserPresentGuard::class)
suspend fun startConversation(update: ProcessedUpdate, user: User, bot: TelegramBot) {
message { "Nice to meet you, ${update.text}" }.send(user, bot)
message { "What is your favorite food?" }.send(user, bot)
bot.inputListener.set(user) { "conversation-2step" } // another way to set input
@CommonHandler.Regex("blue colo?r")
suspend fun color(user: User, bot: TelegramBot) {
message { "Oh you also like blue color?" }.send(user, bot)
a little more detailed about handlers you can see in handlers article.
It is also possible to process updates functionally:
fun main() = runBlocking {
val bot = TelegramBot("BOT_TOKEN")
bot.handleUpdates { update ->
onCommand("/start") {
message { "Hello, what's your name?" }.send(user, bot)
bot.inputListener[user] = "conversation"
inputChain("conversation") {
message { "Nice to meet you, ${message.text}" }.send(update.getUser(), bot)
message { "What is your favorite food?" }.send(update.getUser(), bot)
}.breakIf({ message.text == "peanut butter" }) { // chain break condition
message { "Oh, too bad, I'm allergic to it." }.send(update.getUser(), bot)
// action that will be applied when match
}.andThen {
// next input point if break condition doesn't match
The library has very flexible customization options, , and there are different options to configure through external sources.
You can read more in a Bot configuration article.
To process over response or/and have more control over request flow
use sendReturning()
of send()
returns Response
message { "test" }.sendReturning(user, bot).onFailure {
println("code: ${it.errorCode} description: ${it.description}")
Any sendReturning
method returns
a Response
on which you can also use
methods getOrNull()
, isSuccess()
, onFailure()
There is a wiki section that have helpful information.
You're always welcome in our chat, feel free to ask.
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project. Your support and feedback are invaluable.
If you find this library useful, please consider giving it a star. Your support helps us continue to improve and maintain this project.