You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Comment Terraform Backend, because we are going to configure that in Azure DevOps
Two variables we will define in Azure DevOps and use it
SSH Public Key
Just comment the default values here (ideally not needed but we will do that)
We are going to create resource groups for each environment with terraform-aks-envname
Example Name:
We will get the latest version of AKS using this datasource.
include_preview = false will ensure that preview versions are not listed
Log Analytics workspace will be created per environment.
Example Name:
We are going to create Azure AD Group per environment for AKS Admins
To create this group we need to ensure Azure AD Directory Write permission is there for our Service Principal (Service Connection) created in Azure DevOps
We will see that in detail in upcoming steps.
Name of the AKS Cluster going to be ResourceGroupName-Cluster
Example Names:
Node Lables and Tags will have a environment with respective environment name
We will put out output values very simple
Resource Group
AKS Cluster
AKS Versions
AKS Latest Version
AKS Cluster ID
AKS Cluster Name
AKS Cluster Kubernetes Version
AD Group
Object ID
We will comment this file and leave it that way.
If you need to provision the new nodepool , uncomment all lines except first line and check-in code and new nodepool will be created
Node Lables and Tags will have a environment with respective environment name
We will comment this file and leave it that way.
If you need to provision the new nodepool windows, uncomment all lines except first line and check-in code and new nodepool will be created
Node Lables and Tags will have a environment with respective environment name
Descritpion: Provision AKS Cluster using Azure DevOps Pipelines
Repository Type: Public or Private (Your Choice)
Click on Create Repository
Copy files, Initialize Local Repo, Push to Remote Git Repo
# Create folder in local deskop
cd azure-devops-aks-demo-repos
mkdir azure-devops-aks-kubernetes-terraform-pipeline
cd azure-devops-aks-kubernetes-terraform-pipeline
# Copy folders from Git-Repo-Files folder to new folder created in local desktop
# Initialize Git Repo
cd azure-devops-aks-kubernetes-terraform-pipeline
git init
# Add Files & Commit to Local Repo
git add .
git commit -am "First Commit"
# Add Remote Origin and Push to Remote Repo
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master
# Verify the same on Github Repository
Refersh browser for Repo you have created
Step-05: Create New Azure DevOps Project for IAC
Go to -> Azure DevOps -> Select Organization -> aksdemo2 -> Create New Project
Project Name: terraform-azure-aks
Project Descritpion: Provision Azure AKS Cluster using Azure DevOps & Terraform
Visibility: Private
Click on Create
Step-07: Create Azure RM Service Connection for Terraform Commands
This is a pre-requisite step required during Azure Pipelines
We can create from Azure Pipelines -> Terraform commands screen but just to be in a orderly manner we are creating early.
Go to -> Azure DevOps -> Select Organization -> Select project terraform-azure-aks
Go to Project Settings
Go to Pipelines -> Service Connections -> Create Service Connection
Choose a Service Connection type: Azure Resource Manager
Authentication Method: Service Princiapl (automatic)
Scope Level: Subscription
Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go
Resource Group: LEAVE EMPTY
Service Connection Name: terraform-aks-azurerm-svc-con
Description: Azure RM Service Connection for provisioning AKS Cluster using Terraform on Azure DevOps
Security: Grant access permissions to all pipelines (check it - leave to default)
Click on SAVE
Step-08: VERY IMPORTANT FIX: Provide Permission to create Azure AD Groups
Provide permission for Service connection created in previous step to create Azure AD Groups
Go to -> Azure DevOps -> Select Organization -> Select project terraform-azure-aks
Go to Project Settings -> Pipelines -> Service Connections
Open terraform-aks-azurerm-svc-con
Click on Manage Service Principal, new tab will be opened
Click on View API Permissions
Click on Add Permission
Select an API: Microsoft APIs
Commonly used Microsoft APIs: Supported legacy APIs: Azure Active Directory Graph-DEPRECATING Use Microsoft Graph
Click on Application Permissions
Check Directory.ReadWrite.All and click on Add Permission
Click on Grant Admin consent for Default Directory
Step-09: Create SSH Public Key for Linux VMs
Create this out of your git repository
Important Note: We should not have these files in our git repos for security Reasons
# Create Folder
mkdir $HOME/ssh-keys-teerraform-aks-devops
# Create SSH Keys
ssh-keygen \
-m PEM \
-t rsa \
-b 4096 \
-C "azureuser@myserver" \
-f ~/ssh-keys-teerraform-aks-devops/aks-terraform-devops-ssh-key-ububtu \
Note: We will have passphrase as : empty when asked
# List Files
ls -lrt $HOME/ssh-keys-teerraform-aks-devops
Private File: aks-terraform-devops-ssh-key-ububtu (To be stored safe with us)
Public File: (To be uploaded to Azure DevOps)
Step-10: Upload file to Azure DevOps as Secure File
Go to Azure DevOps -> aksdemo2 -> terraform-azure-aks -> Pipelines -> Library
Secure File -> Upload file named
Open the file and click on Pipeline permissions -> Authorize for use in all pipelines
Click on SAVE
Step-11: Create Azure Pipeline to Provision AKS Cluster
Go to -> Azure DevOps -> Select Organization -> Select project terraform-azure-aks
Go to Pipelines -> Pipelines -> Create Pipeline
Where is your Code?
Select a Repository: stacksimplify/azure-devops-aks-kubernetes-terraform-pipeline
# Stage-2: Deploy Stages for Dev & QA# Deployment-1: Deploy Dev AKS Cluster## Step-1: Define Variables for environments## Step-2: Download SSH Secure File## Step-3: Terraform Initialize (State Storage to store in Azure Storage Account for Dev AKS Cluster)## Step-4: Terraform Plan (Create Plan)## Step-5: Terraform Apply (Use the plan created in previous step)# Define Variablesvariables:
- name: DEV_ENVIRONMENTvalue: dev
- name: QA_ENVIRONMENTvalue: qa # Stage-2: Deploy Stages for Dev & QA# Deployment-1: Deploy Dev AKS Cluster## Step-1: Define Variables for environments## Step-2: Download SSH Secure File## Step-3: Terraform Initialize (State Storage to store in Azure Storage Account for Dev AKS Cluster)## Step-4: Terraform Plan (Create Plan)## Step-5: Terraform Apply (Use the plan created in previous step)
- stage: DeployAKSClustersjobs:
- deployment: DeployDevAKSClusterdisplayName: DeployDevAKSClusterpool:
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'environment: $(DEV_ENVIRONMENT) strategy:
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1displayName: Download SSH Keyname: sshkeyinputs:
secureFile: ''
- task: TerraformCLI@0displayName: Terraform Initinputs:
command: 'init'workingDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraform-manifests-out'backendType: 'azurerm'backendServiceArm: 'terraform-aks-azurerm-svc-con'backendAzureRmResourceGroupName: 'terraform-storage-rg'backendAzureRmStorageAccountName: 'terraformstatexlrwdrzs'backendAzureRmContainerName: 'tfstatefiles'backendAzureRmKey: 'aks-$(DEV_ENVIRONMENT).tfstate'allowTelemetryCollection: false
- task: TerraformCLI@0displayName: Terraform Planinputs:
command: 'plan'workingDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraform-manifests-out'environmentServiceName: 'terraform-aks-azurerm-svc-con'commandOptions: '-var ssh_public_key=$(sshkey.secureFilePath) -var environment=$(DEV_ENVIRONMENT) -out $(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraform-manifests-out/$(DEV_ENVIRONMENT)-$(Build.BuildId).out'allowTelemetryCollection: false
- task: TerraformCLI@0displayName: Terraform Applyinputs:
command: 'apply'workingDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraform-manifests-out'environmentServiceName: 'terraform-aks-azurerm-svc-con'commandOptions: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraform-manifests-out/$(DEV_ENVIRONMENT)-$(Build.BuildId).out'allowTelemetryCollection: false
Pipeline Save and Run
Click on Save and Run
Commit Message: Second Commit - Dev AKS Provision via terraform
Click on Job and Verify Pipeline
Step-13: Verify all the resources created
Verify Pipeline logs
Verify Pipeline logs for all the tasks
Verify new Storage Account in Azure Mgmt Console
Verify if terraform init command ran successfully from Azure Pipelines
Verify Storage Account
Verify Storage Container
Verify tfstate file got created in storage container
Verify new AKS Cluster in Azure Mgmt Console
Verify Resource Group
Verify AKS Cluster
Verify AD Group
Verify Tags for a nodepool
Connect to AKS Cluster
# Setup kubeconfig
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <Resource-Group-Name> --name <AKS-Cluster-Name>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group terraform-aks-dev --name terraform-aks-dev-cluster --admin
# View Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info
# List Kubernetes Worker Nodes
kubectl get nodes
Commit Message: Third Commit - QA AKS Cluster Provision via terraform
Click on Job and Verify Pipeline
Step-15: Verify all the resources created
Verify Pipeline logs
Verify Pipeline logs for all the tasks
Verify new Storage Account in Azure Mgmt Console
Verify if terraform init command ran successfully from Azure Pipelines
Verify Storage Account
Verify Storage Container
Verify tfstate file got created in storage container
Verify new AKS Cluster in Azure Mgmt Console
Verify Resource Group
Verify AKS Cluster
Verify AD Group
Verify Tags for a nodepool
Connect to AKS Cluster
# Setup kubeconfig
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <Resource-Group-Name> --name <AKS-Cluster-Name>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group terraform-aks-qa --name terraform-aks-qa-cluster --admin
# View Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info
# List Kubernetes Worker Nodes
kubectl get nodes
Step-16: Make Changes to Infrastructure and Push Code
# Create Linux Azure AKS Node Poolresource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool" "linux102" {availability_zones = [1, 2, 3]enable_auto_scaling = truekubernetes_cluster_id = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks_cluster.idmax_count = 3min_count = 1mode = "User"name = "linux102"orchestrator_version = data.azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions.current.latest_versionos_disk_size_gb = 30os_type = "Linux" # Default is Linux, we can change to Windowsvm_size = "Standard_DS2_v2"priority = "Regular" # Default is Regular, we can change to Spot with additional settings like eviction_policy, spot_max_price, node_labels and node_taintsnode_labels = {"nodepool-type"= "user""environment"= var.environment"nodepoolos"= "linux""ui-app"= "reactjs-apps"}tags = {"nodepool-type"= "user""environment"= var.environment"nodepoolos"= "linux""ui-app"= "reactjs-apps" }}
Commit Code
# First sync Remote repo with local repo
git pull
# Commit
git add .
git commit -am "Added New Node-Pool linux102"
git push
Verify the pipeline
Connect to Dev AKS Cluster & verify
# List Nodepools
az aks nodepool list --cluster-name terraform-aks-dev-cluster --resource-group terraform-aks-dev -o table
# Setup kubeconfig
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <Resource-Group-Name> --name <AKS-Cluster-Name>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group terraform-aks-dev --name terraform-aks-dev-cluster --admin
# View Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info
# List Kubernetes Worker Nodes
kubectl get nodes
Connect to QA AKS Cluster & Verify
# List Nodepools
az aks nodepool list --cluster-name terraform-aks-qa-cluster --resource-group terraform-aks-qa -o table
# Setup kubeconfig
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <Resource-Group-Name> --name <AKS-Cluster-Name>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group terraform-aks-qa --name terraform-aks-qa-cluster --admin
# View Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info
# List Kubernetes Worker Nodes
kubectl get nodes
Step-17: Clean-Up
Delete the Resource groups which will delete all resources