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Running Tests From PhpStorm


IDE Configuration

  • Make sure correct interpreter configured for the project.
    (File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP)

  • Make sure path to composer autoloader is correct in test frameworks configuration options, as well as default configuration file (phpunit.xml) for test runner, which can be find inside project root directory.
    (File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Test Frameworks)

Environment and DB configuration

  • Create new test dedicated database, for example amazing_time_tests.
  • Copy .env.testing.example file and rename it to .env.testing.
  • Inside .env.testing edit DB connection info to match yours.
  • Apply migrations to testing database: php artisan migrate --env=testing.
  • Run RoleSeeder: php artisan db:seed --class=RoleSeeder --env=testing.

Running tests

You can run and debug single test as well as tests from entire files and folders. PhpStorm creates a run/debug configuration with the default settings and launches the tests. You can also run tests with coverage (if xdebug extension installed) to see test coverage situation up to the highlighting of executed and non-executed lines right inside the code editor.

For more information check official PhpStorm documentation.

Running tests from command line

To run tests from CLI use phpunit script from vendor/phpunit/phpunit.
Don't forget to provide path to phpunit.xml with --configuration parameter.

For example: vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml tests/Feature.

For more information check PHPUnit docs.

Running Tests in CI pipelines


Configuration at .gitlab-ci.yml allows you to run tests automatically when you push commits to your repository. It will appear as "integration_testing" job at the test stage. You can select branches, that job will run on by pointing them in only directive at .gitalb-ci.yml. Or exclude branches by except directive.

For more information check gitlab-ci.yml reference and GitLab CI/CD

Writing Tests

For basic information check Laravel Documentation.

Main TestCase class

Every test should extend tests/TestCase class, which creates application before running tests.

It uses DatabaseTransaction trait to wrap each test case in a database transaction to isolate a database from any changes while running tests. Because of that it's worth mentioning that there is no point in trying to look into the database during debugging, because there will be no changes, but nothing prevents you from making queries directly from the tests.


All requests return a slightly extended TestResponse class, which can be found in tests/TestResponse.php. It provides methods to conveniently check different types of responses and their structure.

The overridden actingAs helper method provides a simple way to authenticate a given user model as the current user. The user must have valid tokens for successful authentication.

Also, it's highly recommended to use constants when specifying the expected answer status code, which are defined in tests/TestCase as well as in tests/TestResponse.


The data that's necessary for tests generated with the use of factories that are placed in tests/Factories, and facades for them in tests/Facades.