Simple and easy to use library for working with video equipment from Hikvision.
pip install hikvisionapi
There are two formats for receiving a response:
from hikvision import Client
cam = Client('', 'admin', 'admin')
# Dict response (default)
response = cam.System.deviceInfo(method='get')
response == {u'DeviceInfo': {u'@version': u'2.0',
u'@xmlns': u'',
u'bootReleasedDate': u'100316',
u'bootVersion': u'V1.3.4',
# xml text response
response = cam.System.deviceInfo(method='get', present='text')
response == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<DeviceInfo version="1.0" xmlns="">
# to get the channel info
motion_detection_info = cam.System.Video.inputs.channels[1].motionDetection(method='get')
# to send data to device:
xml = cam.System.deviceInfo(method='get', present='text')
cam.System.deviceInfo(method='put', data=xml)
# to get events (motion, etc..)
cam = Client('', 'admin', 'Password')
cam.count_events = 2 # The number of events we want to retrieve (default = 1)
response = cam.Event.notification.alertStream(method='get')
response == [{u'EventNotificationAlert':
{u'@version': u'2.0',
u'@xmlns': u'',
u'activePostCount': u'0',
u'channelID': u'1',
u'dateTime': u'2018-03-21T15:49:02+08:00',
u'eventDescription': u'videoloss alarm',
u'eventState': u'inactive',
u'eventType': u'videoloss'
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pytest
pipenv run pytest --cov-report html --cov hikvisionapi # to get coverage report in ./htmlcov/
# or you can get into the virtual env with:
pipenv shell