+ Permalink
+ Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
+ 577 lines (544 sloc)
+ 27.3 KB
+ + | /* | +
+ | 更新时间:2021-3-29 19:15 | +
+ | 百度极速版签到任务,使用脚本有黑号严重,请谨慎使用‼️ | +
+ | + |
+ | 赞赏:百度极速邀请码`RW9ZSW 点击链接立得红包,最高100元!https://dwz.cn/Oilv4CJ1`,农妇山泉 -> 有点咸,万分感谢,邀请码已失效 | +
+ | + |
+ | 本脚本已不再使用其他Cookie,内置自动提现,提现金额默认30元,当当前时间为早上6点且达到提现金额时仅运行提现任务,提现金额小于设置金额时继续运行其他任务。 | +
+ | + |
+ | 增加百度任务开关,Actions中Secrets为BAIDU_TASK,值填true或者false | +
+ | + |
+ | 百度极速获取Cookie:点击"任务"即可 | +
+ | + |
+ | https:\/\/haokan\.baidu\.com\/activity\/h5\/vault\?productid=\d url script-request-header https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sunert/Scripts/master/Task/baidu_speed.js | +
+ | + |
+ | 支持BoxJs多账号,需手动填写,用&或者换行隔开 | +
+ | + |
+ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | +
+ | + |
+ | */ | +
+ | const $ = new Env('百度极速版') | +
+ | let CookieArr = [],cashArr=[]; | +
+ | const notify = $.isNode() ? require('./sendNotify') : ''; | +
+ | const baiducks = $.getdata('bdspeed') | +
+ | let baiducash = $.getdata(`cash_baidu`); | +
+ | let shower = $.getdata('on_baidu')||"true"; | +
+ | + | +
+ | let taskON = $.getdata(`task_baidu`)||"true"//除提现和兑换外其他任务开关; | +
+ | let isblack = "false"; | +
+ | let UA = $.getdata('bd_Agent')||'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 SP-engine/2.24.0 matrixstyle/0 light/1.0(WKWebView) themeUA=Theme/default info baiduboxapp/ (Baidu; P2 14.2)'; | +
+ | + | +
+ | if (isGetCookie = typeof $request !== 'undefined') { | +
+ | GetCookie(); | +
+ | $.done() | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | if(!$.isNode()&&baiducks && baiducks.indexOf('&')==-1){ | +
+ | CookieArr.push(baiducks); | +
+ | cashArr.push($.getdata("cash_baidu")||30) | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | if ($.isNode()) { | +
+ | if (process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE && process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE.indexOf('&') > -1) { | +
+ | BDCookie = process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE.split('&'); | +
+ | } | +
+ | else if (process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE && process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE.indexOf('\n') > -1) { | +
+ | BDCookie = process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE.split('\n'); | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | BDCookie = [process.env.BAIDU_COOKIE] | +
+ | }; | +
+ | if (process.env.BAIDU_CASH && process.env.BAIDU_CASH.indexOf('&') > -1) { | +
+ | BDCASH = process.env.BAIDU_CASH.split('&'); | +
+ | } | +
+ | else if (process.env.BAIDU_CASH && process.env.BAIDU_CASH.indexOf('\n') > -1) { | +
+ | BDCASH = process.env.BAIDU_CASH.split('\n'); | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | BDCASH = [process.env.BAIDU_CASH] | +
+ | } | +
+ | } else if (!$.isNode()&&baiducks && baiducks.indexOf('&')>-1){ | +
+ | BDCookie = baiducks.split("&") | +
+ | BDCASH = [baiducash] | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | Object.keys(BDCookie).forEach((item) => { | +
+ | if (BDCookie[item]) { | +
+ | CookieArr.push(BDCookie[item]) | +
+ | } | +
+ | }); | +
+ | Object.keys(BDCASH).forEach((item) => { | +
+ | if (BDCASH[item]) { | +
+ | cashArr.push(BDCASH[item]) | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | console.log(`您共提供${CookieArr.length}个百度账号 Cookie`) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | !(async() =>{ | +
+ | if (!CookieArr[0]) { | +
+ | console.log($.name, '【提示】请把百度Cookie填入Github 的 Secrets 中,请以&或者换行隔开'); | +
+ | $.done() | +
+ | }; | +
+ | timeZone = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60; | +
+ | timestamp = Date.now()+ (8+timeZone) * 60 * 60 * 1000; | +
+ | bjTime = new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString('zh',{hour12:false,timeZoneName: 'long'}); | +
+ | console.log(`\n === 脚本执行 ${bjTime} ===\n`); | +
+ | for (let i = 0; i < CookieArr.length; i++) { | +
+ | if (CookieArr[i]) { | +
+ | cookieval = CookieArr[i]; | +
+ | withcash = cashArr[i]; | +
+ | $.index = i + 1; | +
+ | await userInfo(); | +
+ | await $.wait(1000); | +
+ | if ($.isNode()) { | +
+ | if (process.env.BAIDU_TASK) { | +
+ | taskON = process.env.BAIDU_TASK | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | if (taskON == "true") { | +
+ | $.desc = ""; | +
+ | await firstbox(); | +
+ | await TaskCenter(); | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | })() | +
+ | .catch((e) => $.logErr(e)) | +
+ | .finally(() => $.done()) | +
+ | + |
+ | function confApi(api, body, RefererUrl) { | +
+ | return { | +
+ | url: 'https://haokan.baidu.com/activity/'+api, | +
+ | headers:{ | +
+ | 'Cookie': cookieval, | +
+ | 'User-Agent': UA, | +
+ | 'Referer': RefererUrl?RefererUrl:'' | +
+ | }, | +
+ | body:body | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | //签到 | +
+ | function getsign() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | $.post(confApi('acusercheckin/update','productid=2&ugus=9766888061'), async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | let get_sign = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (get_sign.errno == 0) { | +
+ | $.desc = get_sign.data.tips+` 收益: ${get_sign.data.bonus.coin}💰\n`; | +
+ | $.log($.desc+"\n"+data); | +
+ | await invite() | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.sub = `签到失败❌`, | +
+ | $.desc = `说明: ` + get_sign.msg+"\n", | +
+ | $.msg($.name, $.sub, $.desc); | +
+ | //$.done() | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function withDraw(cash) { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | $.get(confApi(`acuserwithdraw/confirm?productid=2&amount=${cash*100}&trade_type=1`), async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | let get_cash = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (get_cash.errno == 0) { | +
+ | $.sub = ' 提现成功: 到账 ' + get_cash.data.money + "元 "; | +
+ | $.msg($.name, $.sub); | +
+ | if ($.isNode()) { | +
+ | await notify.sendNotify($.name + " 成功提现" + withcash + "元\n" + $.sub) | +
+ | } | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.log(data + "\n " + get_cash.msg); | +
+ | $.msg($.name, get_cash.msg) | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | function invite() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | let inviteurl = { | +
+ | url: `https://haokan.baidu.com/activity/h5/vault?productid=2&inviteCode=RW9ZSW&pkg=%5Bpkg%5D `, | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | Cookie: cookieval | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.get(inviteurl, (error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | if (error) { | +
+ | //$.log("响应错误") | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function userInfo() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | $.post(confApi('api/tenure/osname=baiduboxapp','sign=a329b14e561e5f42d466d568623cd972&time=1612958577&productid=2'), async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | try { | +
+ | let get_pay = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | //$.log("获取收益信息:"+data +'\n') | +
+ | if (get_pay.errno == 0) { | +
+ | availablecoin = get_pay.data.available_coin, | +
+ | enabledcoin = get_pay.data.enabled_coin, | +
+ | enabledmoney = get_pay.data.enabled_money, | +
+ | yesterdaycoin = get_pay.data.yesterday_coin; | +
+ | if(CookieArr.length==1){ | +
+ | username = $.getdata('baidu_nick') ? $.getdata('baidu_nick') : null; | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | username = "账号"+ $.index | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.sub = " 昵称:" + username + " 现金:" + enabledmoney + "元 金币:" + availablecoin; | +
+ | $.log("\n********** 昵称:" + username + " 现金:" + enabledmoney + "元 **********\n"); | +
+ | if (parseInt(enabledmoney) >= Number(withcash) && $.time("HH") == "06") { | +
+ | await withDraw(withcash); | +
+ | $.done() | +
+ | }; | +
+ | if (enabledcoin > 100) { | +
+ | coinnum = parseInt(enabledcoin / 100) * 100; | +
+ | await coinexChange() | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } catch(e) { | +
+ | $.log("获取用户信息失败" + e) | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function coinexChange() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | $.get(confApi(`api/coinexchange?coinnum=${coinnum}&autolock=1&productid=2&ugVersion=`), (error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | let exchange = JSON.parse(data) | +
+ | //$.log(data) | +
+ | if (exchange.errno == 0) { | +
+ | $.log("兑换成功,"+ exchange.data.message) | +
+ | $.msg($.name, "金币兑换成功,"+ exchange.data.message) | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function TaskCenter() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | $.get(confApi('h5/vaultnew?productid=2&fromcsr=1&system=ios&_format=json'), async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | try { | +
+ | let get_tasks = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if(get_tasks.errno==7){ | +
+ | $.msg($.name, get_tasks.msg, "请更换Cookie后,重试"); | +
+ | return | +
+ | } else if(get_tasks.data.uname!=""&&CookieArr.length==1){ | +
+ | username = get_tasks.data.uname; | +
+ | $.setdata(username,'baidu_nick') | +
+ | } | +
+ | isblack = get_tasks.data.is_black | +
+ | + | +
+ | $.log(" 🛎 ========== 任务开始 ========== 🛎 "); | +
+ | tasks = get_tasks.data.comps; | +
+ | for (x in tasks) { | +
+ | if (isblack == true) { | +
+ | $.msg($.name + " 账号" + username + "已黑号", "您的金币和余额已被冻结,请联系客服处理"); | +
+ | break; | +
+ | } | +
+ | taskid = tasks[x].taskId; | +
+ | id = tasks[x].id; | +
+ | if (tasks[x].name == "signIn") { | +
+ | for (z in tasks[x].data.checkin_list) { | +
+ | signs = tasks[x].data.checkin_list | +
+ | if (tasks[x].data.current_date == signs[z].date) { | +
+ | if (signs[z].is_checkin == 0) { | +
+ | await getsign() | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.desc = "【签到结果】✅ 今日+" + signs[z].coin_reward + "金币\n"; | +
+ | $.log($.desc) | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | await getConfigs() | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } catch(e) { | +
+ | $.logErr(e, data); | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | shower=="true"?$.msg($.name, $.sub, $.desc):"" | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | async function getConfigs() { | +
+ | if (tasks[x].name == "taskList") { | +
+ | maxTitle = tasks[x].data.title; | +
+ | $.log("\n去" + maxTitle); | +
+ | if (maxTitle == "玩游戏赚现金") { | +
+ | //$.log(JSON.stringify(tasks[x].data)) | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | for (arr of tasks[x].data.tasklist) { | +
+ | taskName = "【" + arr.title + "】"; | +
+ | tid = arr.id; | +
+ | taskType = arr.type; | +
+ | if (arr.taskStatus == "1") { | +
+ | $.log(taskName + " 已完成\n"); | +
+ | $.desc += taskName + "✅ 已完成\n"; | +
+ | } else if (taskType == 'openApp') { | +
+ | RefererUrl = arr.adLink; | +
+ | $.log("\n"+taskName+" 类型: "+arr.type_name+" ") | +
+ | if( tid =="815"){ | +
+ | RefererUrl="https://eopa.baidu.com/page/pagekey-ASKWNd8W?productid=2&type=1&tid=815" | +
+ | } | +
+ | await activeBox() | +
+ | } else if (taskType == 'watch') { | +
+ | tips = arr.tips; | +
+ | count = arr.total_count; | +
+ | $.log("\n"+taskName + tips + "总计" + count + "次 "); | +
+ | if (arr.taskStatus == 0&&$.desc.indexOf("【签到结果】✅")>-1) { | +
+ | await $.wait(2000); | +
+ | await get_search("184") | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.desc += taskName + tips + "总计" + count + "次\n"; | +
+ | }; | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | if (tasks[x].name == "popularRecommendation") { | +
+ | //$.log(tasks[x].data.recommendCompName) | +
+ | } | +
+ | if (id == "1068") { | +
+ | if (tasks[x].data.unOpenHeadBoxDialog.isShowBusiness == true ){ | +
+ | tid = "817" | +
+ | taskName = "【"+tasks[x].data.unOpenHeadBoxDialog.btn[0].btnText+"】" | +
+ | RefererUrl = tasks[x].data.unOpenHeadBoxDialog.btn[0].iosAdUrl | +
+ | $.log("\n"+taskName+" ") | +
+ | await activeBox() | +
+ | } | +
+ | if (tasks[x].data.gameheader.coinInfo.coinStatus == 2) { | +
+ | $.desc += "\n【头部宝箱】✅ 总计金币" + tasks[x].data.gameheader.coinInfo.coinCount + "\n"; | +
+ | $.log($.desc) | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | for (headerbox of tasks[x].data.gameheader.progressList) { | +
+ | if (headerbox.status == 1) { | +
+ | await $.wait(2000); | +
+ | await headerBox() | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | }; | +
+ | for ( jingangs of tasks[x].data.jingang.list){ | +
+ | jingangType = jingangs.jingangType, | +
+ | taskName = "【"+jingangs.jingangName+"】 ", | +
+ | RefererUrl = jingangs.jingangUrl, | +
+ | tid = jingangs.jingangTid; | +
+ | if (jingangType == 2) { | +
+ | if (tasks[x].data.jingang.countDown[tid].countDown == 0) { | +
+ | await $.wait(1000); | +
+ | $.log("\n"+taskName+" "); | +
+ | await activeBox(); | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.log("\n"+taskName+ " 请等待" +Number(tasks[x].data.jingang.countDown[tid].countDown / 60).toFixed(2) + "分钟") | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | //首页宝箱 | +
+ | function firstbox() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | let bdurl = { | +
+ | url: 'https://mbrowser.baidu.com/lite/gold/receive?service=bdbox', | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | "Cookie": cookieval, | +
+ | "User-Agent": UA | +
+ | }, | +
+ | body: 'task_type=-1&task_id=-1' | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.post(bdurl, (error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | let get_first = JSON.parse(data) | +
+ | //$.log("获取首页宝箱信息:"+data +'\n') | +
+ | if (get_first.err_no == 0) { | +
+ | $.desc += "【首页宝箱】" + get_first.data.result.tips + ", " + get_first.data.result.countdown_time + "秒后再次开启宝箱\n" | +
+ | } else if (get_first.err_no == 10079) { | +
+ | $.desc += "【首页宝箱】✅ " + get_first.tip + '\n' | +
+ | } else if (get_first.err_no == 10060) { | +
+ | $.log("首页宝箱开启失败"+get_first.tip+"\n") | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function activeBox() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | let actboxurl = { | +
+ | url: `https://haokan.baidu.com/activity/tasks/active?productid=2&id=${tid}`, | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | Cookie: cookieval, | +
+ | 'User-Agent': UA, | +
+ | Referer: RefererUrl | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.get(actboxurl, async(error, resp, data)=>{ | +
+ | try{ | +
+ | let act_box = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if ((tid == 587 || tid == 590) && act_box.errno == 0) { | +
+ | await get_pkg() | +
+ | } else if (act_box.errno == 1){ | +
+ | $.desc+= "【taskName】"+ act_box.msg+"\n"; | +
+ | $.log(act_box.msg+",请检查Cookie是否包含BAIDUCUID;\n"); | +
+ | return | +
+ | } else if (data.indexOf("EquipmentComplete") >-1) { | +
+ | $.log(act_box.data.data+"\n") | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | await get_pkg() | +
+ | } | +
+ | } catch(e) { | +
+ | $.logErr(e, data); | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | //视频 | +
+ | function get_pkg() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | let pkgurl = { | +
+ | url: `https://haokan.baidu.com/activity/acad/rewardad?device=%7B%22imei_md5%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_type%22%3A1%2C%22model%22%3A%22IPHONE%22%2C%22manufacturer%22%3A%22Apple%22%2C%22os_version%22%3A%2213.7%22%2C%22idfa%22%3A%22_a2S8_aq28_qa28qii2A8laJ28gxC28Q_iXni0uKvNYIPviVzaHtiYah2ul6iHim_l2880uQvflqisa9liBgIgarv8oIOHutlhSPu_ux2a_Wi-uRz_qAC%22%7D&network=%7B%22connect_type%22%3A1%2C%22carrier%22%3A0%7D&productid=2&tid=${tid}&type=1`, | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | Cookie: cookieval, | +
+ | 'User-Agent': UA, | +
+ | 'Referer': RefererUrl | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.get(pkgurl, async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | let get_pkg = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (get_pkg.errno == 0 && get_pkg.data.isDone == 0) { | +
+ | Pkg = get_pkg.data.adInfo[0].material.pkg, | +
+ | taskid = get_pkg.data.taskPf.taskId; | +
+ | $.log(" 获取任务成功,等待25s获取收益"); | +
+ | //$.log("\n" + taskid + " " + Pkg); | +
+ | await $.wait(25000); | +
+ | await finishTask() | +
+ | } else if (get_pkg.errno == 0 && get_pkg.data.isDone == 1) { | +
+ | // $.desc += taskName + "✅ 已完成\n"; | +
+ | // $.log(taskName + "已完成\n") | +
+ | } | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function finishTask() { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ | +
+ | let actboxurl = { | +
+ | url: `https://eopa.baidu.com/api/task/1/task/${taskid}/complete?rewardType=coin&rewardVideoPkg=${Pkg}&sys=ios`, | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | Cookie: cookieval, | +
+ | 'User-Agent': UA, | +
+ | Referer: RefererUrl | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.get(actboxurl, async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | try { | +
+ | let do_task = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (do_task.errno == 0) { | +
+ | $.desc += taskName + "获得收益" + do_task.data.coin + "\n"; | +
+ | $.log(taskName + " 获得收益: +" + do_task.data.coin); | +
+ | await $.wait(1000) | +
+ | } else if (do_task.errno == 19001) { | +
+ | $.desc += taskName + " " + do_task.errmsg + "\n"; | +
+ | $.log(taskName + " " + do_task.errmsg) | +
+ | } else if (do_task.errno == 11004) { | +
+ | $.desc += taskName + " " + do_task.errmsg + "\n"; | +
+ | $.log(taskName + " " + do_task.errmsg) | +
+ | } | +
+ | } catch(e) { | +
+ | $.logErr(e+data); | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | + | +
+ | function get_search(cmd) { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve) =>{ | +
+ | let geturl = { | +
+ | url: `https://mbd.baidu.com/searchbox?action=feed&cmd=${cmd}&network=1_0&osbranch=i3&osname=baiduboxapp&uid=A49D6DBEA0E8C89406AD1484C84D9134FCF6C8758FHLNHLAJSR&ut=iPhone10%2C1_14.2&ua=1242_2208_iphone_5.0.0.11_0&fv=`, | +
+ | headers: { | +
+ | Cookie: cookieval, | +
+ | 'User-Agent': UA | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
+ | $.get(geturl, async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | try { | +
+ | $.log(" tid:" + tid + " 状态码:" + resp.statusCode); | +
+ | let get_search = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (get_search.errno == 0) { | +
+ | for (items of get_search.data[`${cmd}`].itemlist.items) { | +
+ | searchId = items.id, | +
+ | searchname = items.data.title; | +
+ | author = items.data.author | +
+ | if (items.data.mode == "video" || items.data.type == "video") { | +
+ | $.log(" 观看视频: " + searchname + " ------------ " + author); | +
+ | } | +
+ | else if (items.data.mode == "text") { | +
+ | $.log(" 阅读短文: " + searchname + "\n " + " ------------ " + items.data.tag ? items.data.tag: ""); | +
+ | } | +
+ | else if (items.data.mode == "ad") { | +
+ | $.log(" 打开广告: " + author + ": " + searchname); | +
+ | } | +
+ | if (typeof coin == "undefined") { | +
+ | $.log(" 请等待,30s后获取收益\n"); | +
+ | await $.wait(30000); | +
+ | await searchBox(searchId) | +
+ | } else if (coin == 0) { | +
+ | $.log(" 请等待5s获取收益\n"); | +
+ | await $.wait(5000); | +
+ | await searchBox(searchId) | +
+ | coin = "undefined"; | +
+ | } else if (coin == 3) { | +
+ | $.log(" 金币为3时,跳出运行\n"); | +
+ | await $.wait(2000) | +
+ | coin = "undefined"; | +
+ | break | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.log(" 请等待,30s后获取收益\n"); | +
+ | await $.wait(30000); | +
+ | await searchBox(searchId) | +
+ | } | +
+ | //totalcoin += coin | +
+ | //$.log(totalcoin) | +
+ | } | +
+ | //$.desc += taskName + "获得收益"+ totalcoin+ "金币" +coin + "\n" | +
+ | } | +
+ | } catch(error) { | +
+ | $.logErr(error + data); | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | resolve() | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function searchBox(id) { | +
+ | return new Promise((resolve) =>{ | +
+ | let searchurl = { | +
+ | url: `https://mbd.baidu.com/searchbox?action=feed&cmd=197&imgtype=webp&network=1_0&osbranch=i3&osname=baiduboxapp&ua=1242_2208_iphone_5.0.0.11_0&uid=A49D6DBEA0E8C89406AD1484C84D9134FCF6C8758FHLNHLAJSR&ut=iPhone10%2C1_14.2`, | +
+ | headers: {"Cookie":cookieval,'User-Agent': UA}, | +
+ | body: `data={"origin_nid":"${id}","taskid":"${tid}"}` | +
+ | }; | +
+ | $.post(searchurl, async(error, resp, data) =>{ | +
+ | //$.log(error + resp.statusCode+" "+data) | +
+ | try{ | +
+ | let do_search = JSON.parse(data); | +
+ | if (do_search.errno == 0 && do_search.data['197'].istip == 1) { | +
+ | $.log(" 获得收益: " + do_search.data[`197`].tips+"😜\n"); | +
+ | coin = Number(do_search.data[`197`].righttips) | +
+ | //totalcoin = += coin | +
+ | await $.wait(1000) | +
+ | } else if (do_search.data[`197`].tips == "") { | +
+ | coin = 0; | +
+ | $.log(" 对不起,本次没有收益🥺\n"); | +
+ | } else { | +
+ | $.log("获得收益失败,"+do_search.data[`197`].tips) | +
+ | } | +
+ | }catch(e) { | +
+ | $.logErr(e+data); | +
+ | } finally { | +
+ | resolve(coin) | +
+ | } | +
+ | }) | +
+ | }) | +
+ | } | +
+ | + | +
+ | function showmsg() { | +
+ | + | +
+ | $.msg($.name,$.sub,$.desc) | +
+ | + | +
+ | } | +
+ | function GetCookie() { | +
+ | if ($request && $request.method != 'OPTIONS' && $request.url.match(/\/activity\/h5\/vault/)) { | +
+ | const CookieVal = $request.headers.Cookie | +
+ | const UA = $request.headers['User-Agent'] | +
+ | $.log(`CookieVal:${CookieVal}`) | +
+ | if (CookieVal) $.setdata(CookieVal, 'bdspeed'); | +
+ | if (UA) $.setdata(UA, 'bd_Agent') | +
+ | $.msg($.name, `获取Cookie: 成功`, ``) | +
+ | } | +
+ | } | +
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Date).getTime(),s=(e-this.startTime)/1e3;this.log("",`\ud83d\udd14${this.name}, \u7ed3\u675f! \ud83d\udd5b ${s} \u79d2`),this.log(),(this.isSurge()||this.isQuanX()||this.isLoon())&&$done(t)}}(t,e)} | +