This template adds an existing SQL server as a SQL Adapter hosting server.
This template requires the SQL Adapter RP to be deployed on the AzureStack environment. For more information see: This template requires an existing SQL server to add it as SQL Adapter hosting server; SQL servers can be created using the following template:
Login to AzureStack portal
Click 'New' -> 'Custom' -> 'Template Deployment'
Copy content in azuredeploy.json, click 'Edit Template', paste all the content and click 'Save'
Fill in the parameters
Click 'Create New' to create a new 'Resource Group'
Click 'Create'
Hosting Server Name: <SQL Server FQDN or IPv4 of an existing SQL server to be added as a SQL Adapter hosting server>
Port: <Optional parameter for SQL Server Port, default is 1433>
InstanceName: <Optional parameter for SQL Server Instance>
Total Space MB: <The total space in MB to be allocated for creation of databases on the hosting server>
Hosting Server SQL Login Name: <Name of a SQL login to be used for connecting to the SQL database engine on the hosting server using SQL authentication>
Hosting Server SQL Login Password: <Password for the given SQL login>
SKU Name: <Name of the SQL Adapter SKU to associate the hosting server to>