| 中文版 | WASM Online Demo
is an extremely fast js bundler and minifier written in C++.
- Implemented in C++ with excellent performance
- Full support for ECMAScript 2017(ECMA-262 8th Edition)
- Experimental support for JSX, a syntax extension for React
- Friendly error message
- Bundle a ES project into a single file.
- Scope hoisting.
- Constant folding.
- Minify the code.
- Sourcemap generation
npm install -g jetpp
Use command line to bundle a js module.
jetpp main.js --out bundle.js
Help command:
$ jetpp --help
Jetpack command line
Jetpack [OPTION...] positional parameters
--tolerant tolerant parsing error
--jsx support jsx syntax
--library bundle as library, do not bundle node_modules
--help produce help message
--analyze-module arg analyze a module and print result
--no-trace do not trace ref file when analyze module
--minify minify the code
--out arg output filename of bundle
--sourcemap generate sourcemaps
const jetpp = require('jetpp');
console.log(jetpp.minify('let hello = "world";'));
WASM gives you the power of running Jetpack.js in the browser environment.
yarn add jetpp-wasm
import loadJetpack from 'jetpp-wasm';
async function main(code) {
const jetpack = await loadJetpack();
console.log(jetpack.minify(code)); // minify
console.log(jetpack.parse(code)); // parse
supports all popular system including:
- macOS x64/arm64
- Windows 64bit
- Linux 64bit/arm64
- WebAssembly
- cxxopts
- fmt
- nlohmann_json
- robin-hood-hashing 3.11.1
- boost(Header-only) 1.76