Key Features • How To Use • Download • Credits • Related • License
- Memtables, including an active memtable and an immutable memtable
- implemented both in skip-list (half-done) and red-black-tree (done)
- Sorted-string-table
- implemented both in B+ tree (in development)
- and sparse index (done) + bloom filter (in development)
- Linux/C++
- supported by CMake
- one-layer sstable so far
- memTable + immutableMemTable
- header-only
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git From your command line:
# to try such codes,
# you can now run the unittests in test.cpp (not test folder).
Note : not ready for install, but nearly.
You can download the latest version.
I'd like you send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected] about anything you'd want to say about this program. I'd really appreciate it!
This software uses the following open source packages:
- nlohmann-json: easy to use -- header-only
- googletest: alongwith googlemock
- spdlog: for error, warn, info messages, clear and concurrent safe
GitHub @vinland-avalon · LinkedIn @Bohan Wu