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soulteary / apt-proxy
Forked from lox/apt-proxy[Ubuntu / Debian / CentOS / Alpine] Lightweight APT / YUM / APK CHACHE PROXY just over 2MB in size!
spf13 / pflag
Forked from ogier/pflagDrop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
lgandx / Responder
Forked from SpiderLabs/ResponderResponder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authenticat…
nicoster / lua-resty-console
Forked from saks/lua-resty-replInteractive console (REPL) for Openresty to inspect Lua VM internals, to run lua code, to invoke functions and more
Maupassant theme, ported to Hugo. Forked from JokerQyou.
fang5566 / uBlock
Forked from uBlock-LLC/uBlockuBlock - 一款支持 Chromium、Firefox 和 Safari 的高效过滤工具,快速且简洁。
codehz / pingms
Forked from msmbps/msmbpsSource code of PING ms
orangle / lua-resty-qrencode
Forked from vincascm/qrencodeqrencode for openresty
go port of shadowsocks
absolute8511 / nsq
Forked from nsqio/nsqA realtime distributed messaging platform.
uploadcare / pillow-simd
Forked from python-pillow/PillowThe friendly PIL fork
fanweixiao / coreos-vagrant
Forked from coreos/coreos-vagrantMinimal Vagrantfile for CoreOS with docker registry mirror, usefull in China
lightcloud / libvirt_monitor
Forked from halfss/libvirt_monitorinstance monitor
pyauth / pyotp
Forked from mdp/rotpPython One-Time Password Library
skynetservices / skydns
Forked from miekg/skydns2DNS service discovery for etcd
cloudflare / lua-resty-shcache
Forked from mtourne/ngx.shcacheshcache - simple cache object atop ngx.shared.DICT
mpdehaan / ansible
Forked from ansible/ansibleI created this but don't work on it anymore. You may be interested in http://opsmop.io/
maxhq / zabbix-backup
Forked from xsbr/zabbixzoneBackup script for Zabbix configuration data (MySQL/PostgreSQL)