NOTE: PyInstaller does not extend PYTHONPATH (sys.path) with this directory that contains bundled 3rd party libraries.
Some users complained that PyInstaller failed because their apps were using too old versions of some libraries that PyInstaller uses too and that's why extending sys.path was dropped.
All libraries are tweaked to be importable as:
from PyInstaller.lib.LIB_NAME import xyz
In libraries replace imports like:
from macholib import x from altgraph import y from modulegraph import z import ordlookup
with relative prefix:
from ..macholib import x from ..altgraph import y from ..modulegraph import z from . import ordlookup
add fixed version string to ./macholib/
# For PyInstaller/lib/ define the version here, since there is no # package-resource. __version__ = '1.7.0'
add fixed version string to ./altgraph/
# For PyInstaller/lib/ define the version here, since there is no # package-resource. __version__ = '0.12'
TODO Use official modulegraph version when following issue is resolved and pull request merged
add fixed version string to ./modulegraph/
# For PyInstaller/lib/ define the version here, since there is no # package-resource. __version__ = '0.12.1'