Flow-2: Create a new Docker Image, Run as Container and Push to Docker Hub Step-1: Run the base Nginx container Access the URL http://localhost docker run --name mynginxdefault -p 80:80 -d nginx docker ps Step-2: Create Dockerfile and copy our customized index.html Dockerfile FROM nginx COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html Step-3: Build Docker Image & run it docker build -t stacksimplify/mynginx_image1:v1 . docker run --name mynginx1 -p 80:80 -d stacksimplify/mynginx_image1:v1 Step-4: Tag & push the Docker image to docker hub docker images docker tag stacksimplify/mynginx_image1:v1 stacksimplify/mynginx_image1:v1-release docker push stacksimplify/mynginx_image1:v1-release Step-5: Verify the same on docker hub Login to docker hub Url: https://hub.docker.com/repositories