Replace react-simple-di for nqm-react-simple-di
Add complete examples to README file
- Added actions to context object in order to allow triggering actions from actions
export default {
saveTodo: ({ Meteor, FlowRouter, actions }, param1, param2) => {'', param1, function(error, id){
actions.notifyUsers(id, param2);
notifyUsers: ({ Collections, stores, actions }, id, param2) => {
- Autoruns should now be returned on containers so they are automatically stopped when the container gets destroyed. See for implementation details.
- Automatically register the module's stores into the context object
- All module's autoruns are correctly available to all modules (like actions)
- Update mantra-core to use MobX 3.x and Meteor 1.5+
- Renamed the package to MantraX
- Removed React-komposer 1.x
- Added mobdux (thin wrapper for mobx-react wich avoids you tu @observe all your dumb components)
- Update react-storybook to v1.9.0 to support stubbing.
- Fix action bounding issue with module.load
- Add actions to module.load()
- Updated deps to support React v15.x.x
- Update react-komposer to v1.7.0
- Add support for React Native. This is basically by updating dependencies.
- Make module.load() optional.
- Update react-komposer to 1.3.0.
- Use react to use 0.14.6 or higher
- Initial release