Collection was from torrent "breachcompilation" - contains 1.4 billions passwords but after sort|uniq|akw 'length>8' it contains 320 millions uniq passwords. List was used for last several years for password testing and some services implement for password check (yes, for stoping re-using passwords)
- uniq passwords
- help for penetration testers to speed up cracking of WPA/WPA2
- ✨Magic ✨
check if you missing command 7z
chmod +x
Use your skills to help people not to harm them. List would never produced to be used for evil purpose.
Complete hacker community because each day is challenge.
Special tnx to for formating this document
Just created - wordlist will be updated
Added serbian wordlist from
time: 2h30m tool: aircrack CPU: AMD Ryzen 5900HX
time: 5 minute tool: hashcat GPU: 3090 RTX