- Migrated to null safety
- Clear added regions feature added
- (Android) Added option to set custom title & message for Disclosure dialog
- (Android) FIxed dialog always shown issue
- (Android) Removed ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission from plugin to prevent App Rejection
- (iOS) Removed UIBackgroundModes key from info.pList from Plugin to prevent App Rejection
- Minor bug fixing
- Removed unecessary application attributes (Android)
- Fixed missing new activity FLAG issue (Android)
- Updated client side code for Android
- Added feature to stop background service on app killed (Android)
- Handled initialization exception
- Fixed Beacons not detected in iOS.
- Fixed background service not stopped issue on stop scanning event.
- Fixed 'Beacon' JSON issue.
- Added Background scan mode
- Fixed iOS build issue
- Fixed Method channel not found issue.
- Updated Android Logic.
- Initial Release.