2020-04-22 | Watch the video | This folder contains the presentation and sample notebooks
Join us for a four part learning series: Introduction to Data Analysis for Aspiring Data Scientists. This is the third of four online workshops for anyone and everyone interested in learning about data analysis. No previous programming experience required.
Part 3: Machine Learning with scikit-learn
Abstract: scikit-learn is one of the most popular open-source machine learning libraries among data science practitioners. This workshop will walk through what machine learning is, the different types of machine learning, and how to build a simple machine learning model. This workshop focuses on the techniques of applying and evaluating machine learning methods, rather than the statistical concepts behind them. We will be using data released by the New York Times. Prior basic Python and pandas experience is required.
Who should attend this workshop: Anyone and everyone, CS students and even non-technical folks are welcome to join. Please note, prior basic Python experience is recommended.