category / JsonWireProtocol method | wd methods |
GET /session/:sessionId/element/:id Describe the identified element. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/down Finger down on the screen. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/up Finger up on the screen. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/move Finger move on the screen. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/scroll Scroll on the touch screen using finger based motion events. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/doubleclick Double tap on the touch screen using finger motion events. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/touch/longclick Long press on the touch screen using finger motion events. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/local_storage Get all keys of the storage. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/local_storage/size Get the number of items in the storage. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/session_storage Get all keys of the storage. |
NA |
POST /session/:sessionId/session_storage Set the storage item for the given key. |
NA |
DELETE /session/:sessionId/session_storage Clear the storage. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/session_storage/key/:key Get the storage item for the given key. |
NA |
DELETE /session/:sessionId/session_storage/key/:key Remove the storage item for the given key. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/session_storage/size Get the number of items in the storage. |
NA |
GET /session/:sessionId/application_cache/status Get the status of the html5 application cache. |
NA |
MISSING: POST /session/:sessionId/appium/device/is_locked |
isLocked(cb) -> cb(err) |
MISSING: GET /session/:sessionId/appium/settings |
settings(cb) -> cb(err, settingsObject) |
MISSING: POST /session/:sessionId/appium/settings |
updateSettings(settingsObject, cb) -> cb(err) |