The steps below are tested on MacOS and Linux environments. If you're on Windows please check Windows Installation Tutorial.
If you don't have it installed yet, do yourself a favour and install Homebrew - the ultimate package installer for Mac OS
Done? Ok! Let's proceed!
Make sure you have all of the required software installed locally on your computer:
Node.js + NPM
$ brew install node
$ brew install yarn
Docker + Docker Compose
Regular Installaton: +
Using Homebrew$ brew install docker docker-compose docker-machine xhyve docker-machine-driver-xhyve
To test if the software is installed, run these commands in Terminal:
- for Node.js:
node -v
- for NPM:
npm -v
- for Docker:
docker version
or simply Check your/Applications/
directory and look for
andDocker Quickstart
Docker Compose
We'll call it [project-folder]
in this tutorial. Basically it is a folder where you keep all repositories you need for the development.
First go to
$ cd /path/to/[project-folder]
Then clone the Vue Storefront repository from GitHub
$ git clone
Go to the cloned repository
$ cd vue-storefront
Install and lock the dependencies
$ yarn install
Run the CLI Installer provided by Vue Storefront
$ yarn installer
yarn run v1.6.0
$ node ./core/scripts/installer
│ Hi, welcome to the vue-storefront installation. │
│ Let's configure it together :) │
? Would you like to use as the backend? No
? Please provide Git path (if it's not globally installed) git
? Please provide path for installing backend locally ../vue-storefront-api
? Choose path for images endpoint http://localhost:8080/img/
Trying to create log files...
Cloning backend into '../vue-storefront-api'...
Trying change directory to '../vue-storefront-api'...
Working in directory '/Users/aleksandergrygier/git/fcgroup/flyn-vue-storefront/vue-storefront-api'...
Installing backend npm...
Creating backend config 'config/local.json'...
Starting docker in background...
Restoring data for ElasticSearch...
Migrating data into ElasticSearch...
Cloning Magento 2 Sample Data into 'var/magento2-sample-data'...
Starting backend server...
Trying change directory to '/Users/aleksandergrygier/git/fcgroup/flyn-vue-storefront/vue-storefront'...
Working in directory '/Users/aleksandergrygier/git/fcgroup/flyn-vue-storefront/vue-storefront'...
Creating storefront config 'config/local.json'...
Build storefront npm...
Starting storefront server...
│ Congratulations! │
│ │
│ You've just successfully installed vue-storefront. │
│ All required servers are running in background │
│ │
│ Storefront: http://localhost:3000 │
│ Backend: http://localhost:8080 │
│ │
│ Logs: /Users/aleksandergrygier/git/fcgroup/flyn-vue-storefront/vue-storefront/var/log/ │
│ │
│ Good Luck! │
To be sure that everything is ready for next steps, kill all node processes
$ killall node
Then go up to
$ cd ..
Now there are 2 folders (apps) in the
:1. `[project-folder]/vue-storefront/` 2. `[project-folder]/vue-storefront-api/`
Right now, VERY IMPORTANT – Clone this repository to
$ git clone var/magento2-sample-data
After cloning sample data repo, it’s time to clone the mage2vuestorefront app, which imports all the data from Magento 2
$ git clone
This creates [project-folder]/mage2vuestorefront/
Go to the
folder$ cd mage2vuestorefront/src
and install and lock dependencies
$ yarn install
You need to use It's the ultimate API backend for this application.
git clone vue-storefront-api
cd vue-storefront-api
You can choose between two modes of running the application:
The legacy mode - starting just Elastic and Redis containers:
docker-compose up -d
The standard mode - starting Elastic, Redis and Vue Storefront API containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodejs.yml up -d
If you choose to use legacy mode, you must manually install the Yarn dependencies for the project:
yarn install
As a result, all necessary services will be launched:
- Vue Storefront API runtime environment (Node.js with dependencies from
) - ElasticSearch
- Redis
- Kibana (optional)
To test out the application you'll need some test data. In vue-storefront-api/var/catalog.json
you have data dump for ElasticSearch with default Magento2 products database. We're using for development purposes.
First step is to configure the application:
cp config/default.json config/local.json
nano config/local.json
The config file is quite simple, but here you have some comments: Config file for vue-storefront. We re using powerful node.js library for config files, check the docs to learn more on it:
To import these products we'll use 'elasticdump' - which is provided by default with package.json dependencies and yarn command. Then, we need to update the structures in the database to the latest version (data migrations).
Depending on the selected mode, execute the following commands:
- legacy mode:
yarn restore yarn migrate
- standard mode:
docker exec -it vuestorefrontapi_app_1 yarn restore docker exec -it vuestorefrontapi_app_1 yarn migrate
Clone the image files for default product database (we're using Magento2 example products dataset: Please execute the following command in the root folder of vue-storefront-api project:
git clone var/magento2-sample-data
If you choose to use standard mode, the application is already running in the background. However, if you decided to stay with the legacy mode, you must start the application manually using following command (development mode with dynamic file reloads when changed):
yarn dev
After all these steps you should be able to use the API application!
You can check if everything works just fine by executing the following command:
curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/catalog/vue_storefront_catalog/product/_search?q=bag&size=50&from=0
Now, it's the time to install the frontend itself.
You need to use
git clone vue-storefront
cd vue-storefront
Next, you have to prepare the config: (we re using powerfull node.js library for config files, check the docs to learn more on it:
cp config/default.json config/local.json
nano config/local.json
The default config file should work perfectly fine for default purposes.
Finally, you have to choose between two modes of running the application (similarly as in the case of vue-storefront-api):
The legacy mode:
yarn build yarn dev
The standard mode (whole runtime environment inside the container):
docker-compose up
That's all - your frontend application is now up and running!
magento: {
url: process.env.MAGENTO_URL || "", - change to your Magento 2 URL
consumerKey: process.env.MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY || "alva6h6hku9qxrpfe02c2jalopx7od1q",
consumerSecret: process.env.MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET || "9tgfpgoojlx9tfy21b8kw7ssfu2aynpm",
accessToken: process.env.MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN || "rw5w0si9imbu45h3m9hkyrfr4gjina8q",
accessTokenSecret: process.env.MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET || "00y9dl4vpxgcef3gn5mntbxtylowjcc9",
storeId: process.env.MAGENTO_STORE_ID || 1,
currencyCode: process.env.MAGENTO_CURRENCY_CODE || 'USD'
"magento2": {
"url": "",
"imgUrl": "",
"assetPath": "/../var/magento2-sample-data/pub/media",
"api": {
"url": "",
"consumerKey": "alva6h6hku9qxrpfe02c2jalopx7od1q",
"consumerSecret": "9tgfpgoojlx9tfy21b8kw7ssfu2aynpm",
"accessToken": "rw5w0si9imbu45h3m9hkyrfr4gjina8q",
"accessTokenSecret": "00y9dl4vpxgcef3gn5mntbxtylowjcc9"
also remember to whitelist your Magento domain
"imageable": {
"namespace": "",
"maxListeners": 512,
"imageSizeLimit": 1024,
"timeouts": {
"convert": 15000,
"identify": 300,
"download": 5000
"whitelist": {
"allowedHosts": [
"trustedHosts": [
3. Open Docker (just like an normal Mac OS App, for example Cmd + Space and type "Docker" in Spotlight Search)
$ docker-compose up
$ node --harmony cli.js fullreindex
$ yarn o2m
$ yarn dev
$ yarn dev