Vuex ORM Axios plugin adds smooth integration between API requests and Vuex ORM data persistence through the awesome axios.
If you use axios with Vuex ORM, you may find handling requests can become an arduous and repetitive process. This plugin bridges Vuex ORM and axios and brings a unified process to perform requests and persist response data with ease.
// Example usage: fetch users and persist to store.
Vuex ORM is sponsored by awesome folks. Big love to all of them from the whole Vuex ORM community 💕
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Vuex ORM can be extended via plugins to add additional features. Here is a list of available plugins.
- Vuex ORM GraphQL – The plugin to sync the store against a GraphQL API.
- Vuex ORM Search – The plugin adds a search() method to filter records using fuzzy search logic from the Fuse.js.
- Vuex ORM Change Flags - Vuex ORM plugin for adding IsDirty / IsNew flags to model entities.
- Vuex ORM Soft Delete – Vuex ORM plugin for adding soft delete feature to model entities.
You can find a list of awesome things related to Vuex ORM at Awesome Vuex ORM.