Browser extension to add git graph to GitHub website.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
Curated list of project-based tutorials
Master the command line, in one page
⚡️ A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro 🦾
web-based technical screener for candlestick patterns using Python and Flask
Please see website / Telegram group for more details.
Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Examples of adding Real-Time functionality to a Symfony app using Ratchet (React PHP), Faye (Node.js) and Pusher
A tutorial for debugging memory leaks in node
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
Lightweight Angular directive to upload files with optional FileAPI shim for cross browser support
A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support
A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
Easiest way to add multi-environment yaml settings to Rails, Sinatra, Padrino and other Ruby projects.
Browserify + Rails = a great way to modularize your legacy JavaScript
Create beautiful charts with one line of JavaScript
Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
Code Formatter plugin for ST2/ST3
[DEPRECIATED] Moved to | Integrate a Google No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA in CakePHP 3 applications
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites