Iceberg is a dark blue color scheme for Vim. It brings a cool-headed perspective for your happy coding!
See the official site or the vimonline page for more information.
- 256-colors terminal support
- airline theme and lightline colorscheme
- Various plugins support: CtrlP / Denite / EasyMotion / Git Gutter / Signify / Sneak / Syntastic / vim-plug / vim-zenspace etc.
- Better syntax highlight with: typescript-vim / vim-flow / vim-graphql / vim-javavscript / vim-markdown etc.
- Neovim terminal colors support
Creator of Iceberg talked about how to create your lovely color scheme in VimConf 2017, international Vim conference. This presentation also explained the philosophy of Iceberg.
NOTE: provides configuration files for the 16 ANSI colors for many terminal emulators. Use .Xresources file as import and export it for the emulator of your choice.
MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.