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gnzsnz / jupyter-quant
Forked from quantbelt/jupyter-quantA dockerized Jupyter quant research environment.
w1ne / stringtune
Forked from qiuxiang/tunerOnline tuner based on web audio api
linux-sunxi / meta-sunxi
Forked from ebutera/meta-sunxiOfficial sunxi OpenEmbedded layer for Allwinner-based boards.
Artomatica / artomatica-webpage
Forked from w1ne/modelika-webpageStatic webpage for Artomatica RnD
📐 A flexible two-column Jekyll theme... Ported to Hugo
adafruit / circuitpython
Forked from micropython/micropythonCircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
w1ne / w1ne.github.io
Forked from barryclark/jekyll-nowAndrii Shylenko's personal website based on Jekyll-now.
usbcnc / grbl
Forked from gnea/grblThis is a port of GRBL 1.1 to STM32F103 target