一键DD/重装脚本 (One-click reinstall OS on VPS)
Shadowsocks with plugins one-click installation. e.g. v2ray-plugin, kcptun, simple-obfs, goquiet, cloak, mos-tls-tunnel, rabbit-tcp, simple-tls, gost-plugin, xray-plugin, qtun, gun
Fork of DDoS Deflate with fixes, improvements and new features.
PVE相关的各种一键脚本(Various one-click scripts related to PVE)(一键安装PVE)(One-click installation of PVE)(一键开设KVM或LXC虚拟化的NAT服务器-自带内外网端口转发)(含ARM和X86_64)
Welcome to vDDoS, a HTTP(S) DDoS Protection Reverse Proxy. Thank you for using!
script-store:vps practical script collection
Automated Nginx compilation with HTTP/3 and additional modules support. Compatible with WordOps, EasyEngine & Plesk
一个拿来即用的docker镜像大礼包,直接构建docker镜像环境(docker、dockerfile、k8s、helm、shell and so on ),Linux运维工具及脚本,K8S构建,各种环境构建部署等,包括不限于于shell、python,运维脚本、docker脚本、各种工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、pg、apache、php、redis…
Nginx L7 DDoS Protection! And many more features 💥 ⚡
Tips to mitigate and secure your large-scale server against DDoS attacks.
Docker with PowerDNS installed (authoritative DNS with DNSSEC)
PVE的KVM虚拟机的第三方模板文件仓库--每日自动化拉取并修补镜像(PVE's third-party template file repository for KVM VMs - automated daily image pulling and patching)
Secure nginx proxy with letsencrypt, modsecurity, fail2ban, crowdsec, clamav and serval other security components based on alpine docker
A pure shell script that can protect your VPS under CC attack. 鸟语水平屌差,README还是用中文写吧……