So you want to plug into our net architecture and contribute a node. You look like you can hang in the neon trenches, choomba. Let's jack in.
We've got bugs and feature requests posted on the anonymous image boards. Scope out an unfixed vulnerability or missing function you can slide into. If you've got something new, post it first so the netrunners can consensus before you code.
Copy the data fortress to your own machine so you can rework the code. Sync your node with the mothership regularly so your fork doesn't drift too far. Don't want to get forked off the net.
Build out each new node in isolation, on its own branch behind firewalls. This keeps your work quarantined from the production network until ready for integration.
Keep your algorithms elegantly lethal while avoiding bloatware or spyware. Comment thoroughly but use the argot of the streets so your choombas can scan it. Cover your tracks and bury the paydata.
When your node is hardened, submit an access request to the central cluster. Explain your changes and what vulnerabilities they patch so the spider can crawl your code. Get all your protocols straight before they port you into the live net.
After integration, wipe your working branch. Keep your local system aligned with the mothership.
Thanks for being part of the collective. The future of the net is open source. Stay icy out there.