The Wallee Payment plugin wraps around the Wallee API. This library facilitates your interaction with various services such as transactions.
- PHP 7.2 to PHP 8.1
- Gambio 4.5 to Gambio 4.7
We only support the Gambio standard checkout (without modifications)
Please install it manually
Alternatively you can download the package in its entirety. The Releases page lists all stable versions.
Uncompress the zip file you download
Include it to your Gambio shop root folder
Run the install command
# Please go to /GXModules/Wallee/WalleePayment and run the command
composer install
Login to Admin Panel
Click on Toolbox > Clear Cache and clear all caches
Click on Modules > Module Center > Wallee Payment
Install the module and clear the cache again (repeat step 5)
Select Modules > Module Center > Wallee Payment again and click Edit
Enter correct data from Wallee API and click Save. Payment methods will be synchronised
Navigate To Modules -> Payment Systems
Click on "Miscellaneous" tab and find "added modules" and click the Wallee Payment.
Install the Wallee Payment System
Click Edit, select payment methods that you want to use and save configuration (Payment methods are synchronized from Wallee and only if they are enabled)
The library needs to be configured with your account's space id, user id, and application key which are available in your Wallee account dashboard.
Please see the license file for more information.