This is lazy dog HOWTO to using CodeChecker analysis. It invokes Clang Static Analyzer and Clang-Tidy tools to analyze your code.
- Step 1: Integrate CodeChecker into your build system
- Step 2: Analyze your code
- Step 3: Store analysis results in a CodeChecker DB and visualize results
- Step 4: Fine tune Analysis configuration
- Step 5: Integrate CodeChecker into your CI loop
CodeChecker only analyzes what is also built by your build system.
- Select a module to build (open source tmux in this example).
cd tmux
- Clean that module. e.g.
make clean
make clean
- Log your build:
CodeChecker log -b "make" -o compilation.json
- Check the contents of compilation.json. If everything goes well it should contain the
cat ./compilation.json
What to do if the compilation.json
is empty?
Make sure that your build system actually invoked the compiler (e.g.
). In case your software was built once (and the binaries are already generated), the compiler will not be invoked. In this case do a build cleanup (e.g.make clean
) and retry to log your build. -
Make sure that the
environment variable is set correctly and contains your compilers. For detailed description see the user guide. -
MacOS users need
to be available on the system, and in most cases, System Integrity Protection needs to be turned off. See the README for details.
Once the build is logged successfully (and the compilation.json
) was created, you can analyze your project.
- Run the analysis:
CodeChecker analyze compilation.json -o ./reports
- View the analysis results in the command line
CodeChecker parse ./reports
You can do the 1st and the 2nd step in one round by executing check
cd tmux
make clean
CodeChecker check -b "make" -o ./reports
or to run on 22 threads
CodeChecker check -j22 -b "make clean;make -j22" -o ./reports
Cross-compilers are auto-detected by CodeChecker, so
the --target
and the compiler pre-configured
include paths of gcc/g++
are automatically passed to clang
when analyzing.
Make sure that the compilers used for building the project (e.g. /usr/bin/gcc
) are
accessible when CodeChecker analyze
or check
is invoked.
The analysis can be run for only the changed files and the report-directory
will be
correctly updated with the new results.
cd tmux
make clean
CodeChecker check -b "make" -o reports
#Change only 1 file in tmux
vi ./cmd-find.c
#Only cmd-find.c will be re-analyzed
CodeChecker check -b "make" -o reports
Now the reports
directory contains also the results of the updated cmd-find.c
The reports/failed
folder contains all build-actions that
were failed to analyze. For these there will be no results.
Possible reasons for failed analysis:
- The original
compiler options were not recognized byclang
, or not all include paths were correctly detected, so Clang analysis was unsuccessful. - Clang was more strict when parsing the C/C++ code than the original compiler (e.g.
). Any non-standard compliant orgcc
specific code needs to be removed to successfully analyze the file. - Clang crashed during the analysis.
You can store the analysis results in a central database and view the results in a web viewer
- Start the CodeChecker server locally on port 8555 (using SQLite DB, which is not recommended for multi-user central deployment) create a workspace directory, where the database will be stored.
mkdir ./ws
CodeChecker server -w ./ws -v 8555
A default product called Default
will be automatically created where you can store your results.
- Store the results in the server under run name "tmux" (in the
CodeChecker store ./reports --name tmux --url http://localhost:8555/Default
Please note that if you start the server in secure mode (with SSL) you will need to use the https
protocol prefix.
The default protocol is http
See user guide for detailed description of the PRODUCT_URL
- View the results in your web browser http://localhost:8555/Default
You can ignore analysis results for certain files for example 3rd party modules.
For that use the -i
parameter of the analyze command:
Path to the Skipfile dictating which project files
should be omitted from analysis. Please consult the
User guide on how a Skipfile should be laid out.
For the skip file format see the user guide.
CodeChecker analyze -b "make" -i ./skip.file" -o ./reports
You can list the checkers using the following command
CodeChecker checkers --details
those marked with (+) are enabled by default.
You may want to enable more checkers or disable some of them using the -e, -d switches of the analyze command.
For example to enable alpha checkers additionally to the defaults
CodeChecker analyze -e alpha -b "make" -i ./skip.file" -o ./reports
After execution of
CodeChecker analyze build.json -o reports
the failed analysis output is collected into
This means that analysis of these files failed and there is no Clang Static Analyzer output for these compilation commands.
This section describes a recommended way on how CodeChecker is designed to be used in a CI environment to
- Generate daily report summaries
- Implement CI guard to prevent the introduction of new bugs into the codebase
In CodeChecker each bug has a unique hash identifier that is independent of the exact line number therefore resistant to shifts in the source code. With this feature CodeChecker can recognize the same and new bugs in two different version of the same source file.
In summary:
- Store daily runs of a module every day in a new run post-fixed with date.
- You can query new and resolved bugs using the
cmd diff
or the Web GUI. - Create a single run for each module in each branch and keep it up to date with code changes (commits). The CI loop then can compare pull requests (commit attempts) against this run and list new bugs in the changed code. Programmers can also compare their local edits to this run to see if they would introduce any new issues.
- Programmers should use in-code-suppression to tell the CI guard that a report is false positive and should be ignored. This way your suppressions remain also resistant to eventual changes of the bug hash (generated by clang).
Let us assume that you want to analyze your code-base daily and would like to send out an email summary about any newly introduced and resolved issues.
Each daily analysis should be stored as a new run name, for example using the
following naming convention: <module_name>_<branch_name>_<date>
Using tmux
with daily analysis as example:
- Generate a new log file
CodeChecker log -b "make" -o compilation.json
- Re-analyze the project. Make sure you use the same analyzer options all the time, as changing enabled checkers or fine-tuning the analyzers may result in new bugs being found.
CodeChecker analyze compilation.json -o ./reports-daily
- Store the analysis results into the central CodeChecher server
CodeChecker store ./reports --url http://localhost:8555/Default --name tmux_master_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d")
This job can run daily and will store the results in different runs identified with the date.
Then you can query newly introduced bugs in the following way.
CodeChecker cmd diff -b tmux_master_2017_08_28 -n tmux_master_2017_08_29 --new --url http://localhost:8555/Default
If you would like to generate a report page out of this using a script, you can get the results in json
format too:
CodeChecker cmd diff -b tmux_master_2017_08_28 -n tmux_master_2017_08_29 --new --url http://localhost:8555/Default -o json
Note: Don't forget to delete old runs you don't need to save database space.
The following is a concise Shell script that can be used in a Jenkins or any
other CI engine. This will exit with return status 1
, failing the job, if
new bugs are introduced into the codebase.
# -- Configuration variables --
PREVIOUS_RUN_NAME="tmux_master_$(date -d "yesterday" +"%Y_%m_%d")"
RUN_NAME="tmux_master_$(date +"%Y_%m_%d")"
# -- Configuration that don't USUALLY need to be edited, but can be, if required --
# -- Execute CodeChecker --
# 1. Build your project with CodeChecker
pushd ${SOURCE_DIR}
CodeChecker log --build "${BUILD_COMMAND}" \
--output "${OUTPUT_DIR}/compile_commands.json" \
|| { echo "Build failed"; exit 1; }
# 2. Run analysis
CodeChecker analyze "${OUTPUT_DIR}/compile_commands.json" \
--output "${OUTPUT_DIR}/reports" "${ANALYZER_OPTIONS}" \
|| { echo "Failed to run analysis"; exit 1; }
# 3. Upload the analysis reports into the configured server.
CodeChecker store "${OUTPUT_DIR}/reports" \
--name "${RUN_NAME}" \
--url "${CC_SERVER}" \
|| { echo "Failed to store results"; exit 1; }
## ---------
# 4. Use the command-line diff tool too see if there are new bugs.
# Check if yesterday's run exists.
PREVIOUS_EXISTS=$(CodeChecker cmd runs --url "${CC_SERVER}" --output csv | grep "${PREVIOUS_RUN_NAME}")
if [ -z "${PREVIOUS_EXISTS}" ]
echo "Can't check if new bugs were introduced."
echo "Previous run \"${PREVIOUS_RUN_NAME}\" does not exist."
exit 0
# Execute the diff command and handle its output.
DIFF_CMD=$(cat << END \
CodeChecker cmd diff --url "${CC_SERVER}"
--basename "${PREVIOUS_RUN_NAME}"
--newname "${RUN_NAME}"
eval "${DIFF_CMD}" | while read -r line
# If CodeChecker says there aren't new bugs, introduce them.
if [[ "$line" =~ "- No results" ]]
echo "${line}"
echo "${line}" >> "${WORKSPACE}/bugs.txt"
if [ ! -z "${HTML_DIR}" ]
DIFF_CMD="${DIFF_CMD} --output html --clean --export-dir ${HTML_DIR}"
eval "${DIFF_CMD}"
echo "Bug visualisation HTML files generated at \"${HTML_DIR}\"."
if [ $WAS_OUTPUT -eq 1 ]
echo "New bugs introduced!"
exit 1
echo "No new bugs! :)"
exit 0
Please configure your CI loop to, in case of a failed build, send the
files and the ${HTML_DIR}
folder to the project
This can be done via e-mail sending, setting these as attachments, or copying these files into a persistent (outside the CI job's workspace!) place and sending its URL to the maintainers.
Let us assume that at each commit you would like to keep your analysis results up-to-date and send an alert email to the programmer if a new bug is introduced in a "pull request", and if there is a new bug in the to-be-committed code, reject this "pull request".
A single run should be used to store the analysis results of module on a
specific branch: <module_name>_<branch>
The run should be always updated when a new commit is merged to reflect the analysis status of the latest code version on your branch.
Let's assume that user john_doe
changed tmux/attributes.c
in tmux. The CI
loop reanalyzes tmux
project and sends an email with reject if new bug was
found compared to the master version, or accepts and merges the commit if no
new bugs were found.
Let's assume that the working directory is tmux
under the CI job's
workspace, that has the source code with John Doe's modifications checked
- Generate a new log file for the new code
CodeChecker log -b "make" -o compilation.json
- Re-analyze the changed code of John Doe. If your "master" CI job
CodeChecker analyze compilation.json -o ./reports-PR
- Check for new bugs in the run
CodeChecker cmd diff -b tmux_master -n ./reports-PR --new --url http://localhost:8555/Default
If new bugs were found, reject the commit and send an email with the new bugs to John.
If no new bugs were found:
Merge the changes into the master branch
Update the analysis results according to the new code version:
CodeChecker store ./reports-john-doe --url http://localhost:8555/Default --name tmux_master
If John finds a false positive report in his code and so the CI loop would prevent the merge of his pull request, he can suppress the false positive by amending the following suppression comment in his code a line above the bug.
An example, as follows:
int x = 1;
int y;
if (x)
y = 0;
// codechecker_suppress [core.NullDereference] suppress all checker results
int z = x / y; // warn
See User guide for more information.
The following is a concise Shell script that can be used in a Jenkins or any
other CI engine. This will exit with return status 1
, failing the job, if
new bugs would be introduced into the codebase by John Doe.
This is the earlier example's modified version which uses local comparison and does NOT store John Doe's bugs into the central database.
# -- Configuration variables --
# -- Configuration that don't USUALLY need to be edited, but can be, if required --
# -- Execute CodeChecker --
# 1. Build your project with CodeChecker
pushd ${SOURCE_DIR}
CodeChecker log --build "${BUILD_COMMAND}" \
--output "${OUTPUT_DIR}/compile_commands.json" \
|| { echo "Build failed"; exit 1; }
# 2. Run analysis
CodeChecker analyze "${OUTPUT_DIR}/compile_commands.json" \
--output "${OUTPUT_DIR}/reports" "${ANALYZER_OPTIONS}" \
|| { echo "Failed to run analysis"; exit 1; }
## ---------
# 3. Use the command-line diff tool too see if there are new bugs.
# Check if yesterday's run exists.
MASTER_EXISTS=$(CodeChecker cmd runs --url "${CC_SERVER}" --output csv | grep "${MASTER_RUN_NAME}")
if [ -z "${PREVIOUS_EXISTS}" ]
echo "Can't check if new bugs were introduced."
echo "Master run \"${MASTER_RUN_NAME}\" does not exist."
exit 0
# Execute the diff command and handle its output.
DIFF_CMD=$(cat << END \
CodeChecker cmd diff --url "${CC_SERVER}"
--basename "${MASTER_RUN_NAME}"
--newname "$(readlink -f "${OUTPUT_DIR}")"
eval "${DIFF_CMD}" | while read -r line
# If CodeChecker says there aren't new bugs, introduce them.
if [[ "$line" =~ "- No results" ]]
echo "${line}"
echo "${line}" >> "${WORKSPACE}/bugs.txt"
if [ ! -z "${HTML_DIR}" ]
DIFF_CMD="${DIFF_CMD} --output html --clean --export-dir ${HTML_DIR}"
eval "${DIFF_CMD}"
echo "Bug visualisation HTML files generated at \"${HTML_DIR}\"."
if [ $WAS_OUTPUT -eq 1 ]
echo "New bugs would be introduced -- rejecting pull request!"
exit 1
echo "No new bugs! Modification good to go. :)"
exit 0
Please configure your CI loop to, in case of a failed build, send the
files and the ${HTML_DIR}
folder to the project
maintainers and the commit's author (John Doe).
This can be done via e-mail sending, setting these as attachments, or copying these files into a persistent (outside the CI job's workspace!) place and sending its URL to the maintainers.
The return code of this script can be further used in the CI job to set ticket or pull request status on the code tracker (such as Gerrit or GitLab).
Say that you made some local changes in your code (tmux in our example) and you wonder whether you introduced any new bugs. Each bug has a unique hash identifier that is independent of the line number, therefore resistant to shifts in the source code. This way, newly introduced bugs can be detected compared to a central CodeChecker report database.
Let's assume that you are working on the master branch and the analysis of the
master branch is already stored under run name tmux_master
- You make local changes to tmux
- Generate a new log file
CodeChecker log -b "make" -o compilation.json
- Re-analyze your code. You are well advised to use the same
options as you did in the "master" CI job: the same checkers enabled, the same analyzer options, etc.
CodeChecker analyze compilation.json -o ./reports
- Compare your local analysis to the central one
CodeChecker cmd diff -b tmux_master -n ./reports --new --url http://localhost:8555/Default