- PostgreSQL (> 9.3.5) (optional)
- psycopg2 (> 2.5.4) or pg8000 (>= 1.10.0) at least one database connector is required for postgreSQL database support (both are supported)
- PyPi psycopg2 requires lbpq!
- PyPi pg8000
Tested on Ubuntu LTS 14.04.2
# get the extra postgresql packages
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev postgresql postgresql-client-common postgresql-common
# Note: The following PostgreSQL specific steps are only needed when PostgreSQL
# is used for checking. By default CodeChecker uses SQLite.
# setup database for a test_user
sudo -i -u postgres
# add a test user with "test_pwd" password
createuser --createdb --login --pwprompt test_user
# PostgreSQL authentication
# PGPASSFILE environment variable should be set to a pgpass file
# For format and further information see PostgreSQL documentation:
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgpass.html
echo "*:5432:*:test_user:test_pwd" >> ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
# activate the already created virtualenv in the basic setup
source ~/checker_env/bin/activate
# install required python modules
pip install -r .ci/python_requirements
# create CodeChecker package
./build_package.py -o ~/codechecker_package
cd ..
Activate virtualenv.
source ~/checker_env/bin/activate
Add package bin directory to PATH. This step can be skipped if you always give the path of CodeChecker command.
export PATH=~/codechecker_package/CodeChecker/bin:$PATH
Check a test project.
CodeChecker check --dbusername test_user --postgresql -n test_project_check -b "cd my_test_project && make clean && make"
Start web server to view the results.
CodeChecker server --dbusername test_user --postgresql
View the results with firefox.
firefox http://localhost:8001