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File metadata and controls

1547 lines (1210 loc) · 63.3 KB


First of all, you have to setup the environment for CodeChecker. Codechecker server uses SQLite database (by default) to store the results which is also packed into the package.

The next step is to start the CodeChecker main script. The main script can be started with different options.

usage: CodeChecker [-h]


Run the CodeChecker source analyzer framework.
See the subcommands for specific features.

positional arguments:
    check               Run the supported source code analyzers on a project.
    quickcheck          Run CodeChecker for aproject without database.
    log                 Runs the given build command. During the build the
                        compilation commands are collected and stored into a
                        compilation command json file (no analysis is done
                        during the build).
    checkers            List the available checkers for the supported
                        analyzers and show their default status (+ for being
                        enabled, - for being disabled by default).
    server              Start the codechecker web server.
    cmd                 Command line client
    debug               Generate gdb debug dump files for all the failed
                        compilation commands in the last analyzer run.
                        Requires a database with the failed compilation
    plist               Parse plist files in the given directory.
    version             Print package version information.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Example usage:
Analyzing a project with default settings:
CodeChecker check -w ~/workspace -b "cd ~/myproject && make" -n myproject

Start the viewer to see the results:
CodeChecker server -w ~/workspace

Default configuration

Used ports:

  • 5432 - PostgreSQL
  • 8001 - CodeChecker result viewer

Easy analysis wrappers

CodeChecker provides, along with the more fine-tuneable commands, some easy out-of-the-box invocations to ensure the most user-friendly operation. These two modes are called check and quickcheck.


check is the basic, most used and most important command used in CodeChecker. It analyzes your project and stores the reported code defects in a database, which can be viewed in a Web Browser later on (via CodeChecker server).

To analyse your project by doing a build and reporting every found issue in the built files, execute

CodeChecker check --build "make" --name "run_name"

Please make sure your build command actually compiles (builds) the source files you intend to analyse, as CodeChecker only analyzes files that had been used by the build system.

If you have an already existing JSON Compilation Commands file, you can also supply it to check:

CodeChecker check --logfile ./my-build.json --name "run_name"

check is a wrapper over the following calls:

  • If --build is specified, the build is executed as if CodeChecker log were invoked.
  • The resulting logfile, or a --logfile specified is used for CodeChecker analyze
  • The analysis results are feeded for CodeChecker store.

After the results has been stored in the database, the temporary files used for the analysis are cleaned up.

Please see the individual help for log, analyze and store (below in this User guide) for information about the arguments of check.

usage: CodeChecker check [-h] [--keep-tmp] [-c] [--update] -n NAME
                         [-w WORKSPACE] [-f] [-q] (-b COMMAND | -l LOGFILE)
                         [-j JOBS] [-i SKIPFILE]
                         [--analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]]
                         [--saargs CLANGSA_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                         [--tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                         [-e checker/checker-group] [-d checker/checker-group]
                         [-u SUPPRESS] [--sqlite  | --postgresql]
                         [--dbaddress DBADDRESS] [--dbport DBPORT]
                         [--dbusername DBUSERNAME] [--dbname DBNAME]
                         [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Run analysis for a project with storing results in the database. Check only
needs a build command or an already existing logfile and performs every step
of doing the analysis in batch.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c , --clean
  -n NAME, --name NAME
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Directory where CodeChecker can store analysis related
                        data, such as intermediate result files and the
                        database. (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker)
  -f, --force
  -u SUPPRESS, --suppress SUPPRESS
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

log arguments:

  -q, --quiet-build
  -b COMMAND, --build COMMAND
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE

analyzer arguments:

  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
  --analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]
  --tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE

checker configuration:

  -e checker/checker-group, --enable checker/checker-group
  -d checker/checker-group, --disable checker/checker-group

database arguments:

  --sqlite              (Usage of this argument is DEPRECATED and has no

PostgreSQL arguments:

  --dbaddress DBADDRESS
  --dbport DBPORT
  --dbusername DBUSERNAME
  --dbname DBNAME


It is possible to easily analyse the project for defects without keeping the temporary analysis files and without using any database to store the reports in, but instead printing the found issues to the standard output.

To analyse your project by doing a build and reporting every found issue in the built files, execute

CodeChecker quickcheck --build "make"

Please make sure your build command actually compiles (builds) the source files you intend to analyse, as CodeChecker only analyzes files that had been used by the build system.

If you have an already existing JSON Compilation Commands file, you can also supply it to quickcheck:

CodeChecker quickcheck --logfile ./my-build.json

By default, only the report's main messages are printed. To print the individual steps the analysers took in discovering the issue, specify --steps.

quickcheck is a wrapper over the following calls:

  • If --build is specified, the build is executed as if CodeChecker log were invoked.
  • The resulting logfile, or a --logfile specified is used for CodeChecker analyze
  • The analysis results are feeded for CodeChecker parse.

After the results has been printed to the standard output, the temporary files used for the analysis are cleaned up.

Please see the individual help for log, analyze and parse (below in this User guide) for information about the arguments of quickcheck.

usage: CodeChecker quickcheck [-h] [-q] (-b COMMAND | -l LOGFILE)
                              [-j JOBS] [-i SKIPFILE]
                              [--analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]]
                              [--saargs CLANGSA_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                              [--tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                              [-e checker/checker-group]
                              [-d checker/checker-group] [-u SUPPRESS] [-s]
                              [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Run analysis for a project with printing results immediately on the standard
output. Quickcheck only needs a build command or an already existing logfile
and performs every step of doing the analysis in batch.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

log arguments:

  -q, --quiet-build
  -b COMMAND, --build COMMAND
  -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE

analyzer arguments:

  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS
  --analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]
  --tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE

checker configuration:

  -e checker/checker-group, --enable checker/checker-group
  -d checker/checker-group, --disable checker/checker-group

output arguments:

  -u SUPPRESS, --suppress SUPPRESS
  -s, --steps, --print-steps

Available CodeChecker commands

1. log mode

The first step in performing an analysis on your project is to record information about the files in your project for the analyzers. This is done by recording a build of your project, which is done by the command CodeChecker log.

usage: CodeChecker log [-h] -o LOGFILE -b COMMAND [-q]
                       [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Runs the given build command and records the executed compilation steps. These
steps are written to the output file in a JSON format. Available build logger
tool that will be used is '...'.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o LOGFILE, --output LOGFILE
                        Path of the file to write the collected compilation
                        commands to. If the file already exists, it will be
  -b COMMAND, --build COMMAND
                        The build command to execute. Build commands can be
                        simple calls to 'g++' or 'clang++' or 'make', but a
                        more complex command, or the call of a custom script
                        file is also supported.
  -q, --quiet-build     Do not print the output of the build tool into the
                        output of this command. (default: False)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

Please note, that only the files that are used in the given --build argument will be recorded. To analyze your whole project, make sure your build tree has been cleaned before logging.

You can change the compilers that should be logged. Set CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE environment variable to a colon separated list. For example (default):

export CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE="gcc:g++:clang"


CodeChecker log -o ../codechecker_myProject_build.log -b "make -j2"

2. analyze mode

After a JSON Compilation Command Database has been created, the next step is to invoke and execute the analyzers. CodeChecker will use the specified logfiles (there can be multiple given) and create the outputs to the --output directory. (These outputs will be plist files, currently only these are supported.) The machine-readable output files can be used later on for printing an overview in the terminal (CodeChecker parse) or storing (CodeChecker store) analysis results in a database, which can later on be viewed in a browser.


CodeChecker analyze ../codechecker_myProject_build.log -o my_plists

CodeChecker analyze supports a myriad of fine-tuning arguments, explained below:

usage: CodeChecker analyze [-h] [-j JOBS] [-i SKIPFILE] [-o OUTPUT_PATH]
                           [-t {plist}] [-n NAME]
                           [--analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]]
                           [--saargs CLANGSA_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                           [--tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE]
                           [-e checker/checker-group]
                           [-d checker/checker-group] [--enable-all]
                           [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]
                           logfile [logfile ...]

Use the previously created JSON Compilation Database to perform an analysis on
the project, outputting analysis results in a machine-readable format.

positional arguments:
  logfile               Path to the JSON compilation command database files
                        which were created during the build. The analyzers
                        will check only the files registered in these build

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of threads to use in analysis. More threads
                        mean faster analysis at the cost of using more memory.
                        (default: 1)
  -i SKIPFILE, --ignore SKIPFILE, --skip SKIPFILE
                        Path to the Skipfile dictating which project files
                        should be omitted from analysis. Please consult the
                        User guide on how a Skipfile should be laid out.
                        Store the analysis output in the given folder.
                        (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker/reports)
  -t {plist}, --type {plist}, --output-format {plist}
                        Specify the format the analysis results should use.
                        (default: plist)
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Annotate the ran analysis with a custom name in the
                        created metadata file.
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

Skip file

                      Path to the Skipfile dictating which project files
                      should be omitted from analysis.

Skipfiles filter which files should or should not be analyzed. CodeChecker reads the skipfile from top to bottom and stops at the first matching pattern when deciding whether or not a file should be analyzed.

Each line in the skip file begins with a - or a +, followed by a path glob pattern. - means that if a file matches a pattern it should not be checked, + means that it should be.



In the above example, every file under /dir will be skipped, except the one explicitly specified to be analyzed (/dir/do.check.this.file).

Analyzer configuration

analyzer arguments:
  --analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]
                        Run analysis only with the analyzers specified.
                        Currently supported analyzers are: clangsa, clang-
                        Retrieve compiler-specific configuration from the
                        compilers themselves, and use them with Clang. This is
                        used when the compiler on the system is special, e.g.
                        when doing cross-compilation. (default: False)
                        File containing argument which will be forwarded
                        verbatim for the Clang Static Analyzer.
  --tidyargs TIDY_ARGS_CFG_FILE
                        File containing argument which will be forwarded
                        verbatim for Clang-Tidy.

CodeChecker supports several analyzer tools. Currently, these analyzers are the Clang Static Analyzer and Clang-Tidy. --analyzers can be used to specify which analyzer tool should be used (by default, all supported are used). The tools are completely independent, so either can be omitted if not present as they are provided by different binaries.

Compiler-specific include path and define detection (cross compilation)

Some of the include paths are hardcoded during compiler build. If a (cross) compiler is used to build a project it is possible that the wrong include paths are searched and the wrong headers will be included which causes analyses to fail. These hardcoded include paths and defines can be marked for automatically detection by specifying the --add-compiler-defaults flag.

CodeChecker will get the hardcoded values for the compilers set in the CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE environment variable.

export CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE="gcc:g++:clang"

If there are still compilation errors after using the --add-compiler-defaults argument, it is possible that the wrong build target architecture (32bit, 64bit) is used. Please try to forward these compilation flags to the analyzers:

  • -m32 (32-bit build)
  • -m64 (64-bit build)

Forwarding compiler options

Forwarded options can modify the compilation actions logged by the build logger or created by CMake (when exporting compile commands). The extra compiler options can be given in config files which are provided by the flags described below.

The config files can contain placeholders in $(ENV_VAR) format. If the ENV_VAR environment variable is set then the placeholder is replaced to its value. Otherwise an error message is logged saying that the variable is not set, and in this case an empty string is inserted in the place of the placeholder.

Clang Static Analyzer

Use the --saargs argument to a file which contains compilation options.

CodeChecker analyze mylogfile.json --saargs extra_sa_compile_flags.txt -n myProject

Where the extra_sa_compile_flags.txt file contains additional compilation options, for example:

-I~/include/for/analysis -I$(MY_LIB)/include -DDEBUG

(where MY_LIB is the path of a library code)


Use the --tidyargs argument to a file which contains compilation options.

CodeChecker analyze mylogfile.json --tidyargs extra_tidy_compile_flags.txt -n myProject

Where the extra_tidy_compile_flags.txt file contains additional compilation flags.

Clang-Tidy requires a different format to add compilation options. Compilation options can be added before (-extra-arg-before=<string>) and after (-extra-arg=<string>) the original compilation options.


-extra-arg-before='-I~/include/for/analysis' -extra-arg-before='-I~/other/include/for/analysis/' -extra-arg-before='-I$(MY_LIB)/include' -extra-arg='-DDEBUG'

(where MY_LIB is the path of a library code)

Toggling checkers

The list of checkers to be used in the analysis can be fine-tuned with the --enable and --disable options. See codechecker-checkers for the list of available checkers in the binaries installed on your system.

checker configuration:

  -e checker/checker-group, --enable checker/checker-group
                        Set a checker (or checker group) to BE USED in the
  -d checker/checker-group, --disable checker/checker-group
                        Set a checker (or checker group) to BE PROHIBITED from
                        use in the analysis.
  --enable-all          Force the running analyzers to use almost every
                        checker available. The checker groups 'alpha.',
                        'debug.' and 'osx.' (on Linux) are NOT enabled
                        automatically and must be EXPLICITLY specified.
                        WARNING! Enabling all checkers might result in the
                        analysis losing precision and stability, and could
                        even result in a total failure of the analysis. USE
                        WISELY AND AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Both --enable and --disable take individual checkers or checker groups as their argument and there can be any number of such flags specified.

For example

--enable core --disable core.uninitialized --enable core.uninitialized.Assign

will enable every core checker which is not core.uninitialized, but core.uninitialized.Assign will also be enabled.

Disabling certain checkers - such as the core group - is unsupported by the LLVM/Clang community, and thus discouraged.


Specifying --enable-all will "force" CodeChecker to enable every checker available in the analyzers. This presents an easy shortcut to force such an analysis without the need of editing configuration files or supplying long command-line arguments. However, --enable-all might result in the analysis losing stability and precision, and worst case, might result in a complete and utter failure in the analysis itself. --enable-all may only be used at your own risk!

Even specifying --enable-all will NOT enable checkers from some special checker groups, such as alpha. and debug.. osx. checkers are only enabled if CodeChecker is ran on a macOS machine. --enable-all can further be fine-tuned with subsequent --enable and --disable arguments, for example

--enable-all --enable alpha --disable misc

can be used to "further" enable alpha. checkers, and disable misc ones.

3. parse mode

parse is used to read previously created machine-readable analysis results (such as plist files), usually previously generated by CodeChecker analyze. parse prints analysis results to the standard output.

usage: CodeChecker parse [-h] [-t {plist}] [--suppress SUPPRESS]
                         [--export-source-suppress] [--print-steps]
                         [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]
                         [file/folder [file/folder ...]]

Parse and pretty-print the summary and results from one or more 'codechecker-
analyze' result files.

positional arguments:
  file/folder           The analysis result files and/or folders containing
                        analysis results which should be parsed and printed.
                        (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker/reports)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {plist}, --type {plist}, --input-format {plist}
                        Specify the format the analysis results were created
                        as. (default: plist)
  --suppress SUPPRESS   Path of the suppress file to use. Records in the
                        suppress file are used to suppress the display of
                        certain results when parsing the analyses' report.
                        (Reports to an analysis result can also be suppressed
                        in the source code -- please consult the manual on how
                        to do so.) NOTE: The suppress file relies on the "bug
                        identifier" generated by the analyzers which is
                        experimental, take care when relying on it.
                        Write suppress data from the suppression annotations
                        found in the source files that were analyzed earlier
                        that created the results. The suppression information
                        will be written to the parameter of '--suppress'.
  --print-steps         Print the steps the analyzers took in finding the
                        reported defect. (default: False)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

For example, if the analysis was ran like:

CodeChecker analyze ../codechecker_myProject_build.log -o my_plists

then the results of the analysis can be printed with

CodeChecker parse ./my_plists

Suppress file

--suppress SUPPRESS   Path of the suppress file to use. Records in the
                      suppress file are used to suppress the display of
                      certain results when parsing the analyses' report.
                      NOTE: The suppress file relies on the "bug
                      identifier" generated by the analyzers which is
                      experimental, take care when relying on it.

Certain defects reported by the analyzers might only cause clutter in the output, e.g. because they are false positive results, or some other reason why we don't want to show them, such as the bug not being relevant to your project as it happens in a library you use. (In case of false positives, please report the false positive to us and/or the LLVM community so that the checker which reported it could be investigated and fixed!)

Suppress files contain information about suppressed analysis reports in an internal format, and a suppressed report will not be shown in the output by default. Suppress files should not be edited manually, instead, a CodeChecker viewer server should manage them, but the suppress file could be committed into the source code repository for distribution to teammates.

If --suppress is specified, parse will use the given suppress file and will not show reports on the standard output which are marked as suppressed.

Suppression in the source code

Suppress comments can be used in the source files to suppress specific or all checker results found in a particular line of code. Suppress comment should be above the line where the defect was found, and no empty lines are allowed between the line with the bug and the suppress comment.

Only comment lines staring with // are supported!

Supported formats

void test() {
  int x;
  // codechecker_suppress [deadcode.DeadStores] suppress deadcode
  x = 1; // warn
void test() {
  int x;
  // codechecker_suppress [all] suppress all checker results
  x = 1; // warn
void test() {
  int x;

  // codechecker_suppress [all] suppress all
  // checker resuls
  // with a long
  // comment
  x = 1; // warn

Exporting source code suppression to suppress file

                        Write suppress data from the suppression annotations
                        found in the source files that were analyzed earlier
                        that created the results. The suppression information
                        will be written to the parameter of '--suppress'.

Using CodeChecker parse, you can automatically generate a suppress file (compatible with parse, store and server) from suppressions found in the source code, by specifying --export-source-suppress along with a file path in --suppress.

In case the file given as --suppress already exists, it will be extended with the results, otherwise, a new file will be created.

CodeChecker parse ./my_plists --suppress generated.suppress --export-source-suppress

4. store mode

store is used to save previously created machine-readable analysis results (such as plist files), usually previously generated by CodeChecker analyze to the database.

usage: CodeChecker store [-h] [-t {plist}] [-j JOBS] [-n NAME]
                         [--suppress SUPPRESS] [-f]
                         [--sqlite SQLITE_FILE | --postgresql]
                         [--db-host DBADDRESS] [--db-port DBPORT]
                         [--db-username DBUSERNAME] [--db-name DBNAME]
                         [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]
                         [file/folder [file/folder ...]]

Store the results from one or more 'codechecker-analyze' result files in a

positional arguments:
  file/folder           The analysis result files and/or folders containing
                        analysis results which should be parsed and printed.
                        (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker/reports)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {plist}, --type {plist}, --input-format {plist}
                        Specify the format the analysis results were created
                        as. (default: plist)
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of threads to use in storing results. More
                        threads mean faster operation at the cost of using
                        more memory. (default: 1)
  -n NAME, --name NAME  The name of the analysis run to use in storing the
                        reports to the database. If not specified, the '--
                        name' parameter given to 'codechecker-analyze' will be
                        used, if exists.
  --suppress SUPPRESS   Path of the suppress file to use. Records in the
                        suppress file are used to mark certain stored analysis
                        results as 'suppressed'. (Reports to an analysis
                        result can also be suppressed in the source code --
                        please consult the manual on how to do so.) NOTE: The
                        suppress file relies on the "bug identifier" generated
                        by the analyzers which is experimental, take care when
                        relying on it.
  -f, --force           Delete analysis results stored in the database for the
                        current analysis run's name and store only the results
                        reported in the 'input' files. (By default,
                        CodeChecker would keep reports that were coming from
                        files not affected by the analysis, and only
                        incrementally update defect reports for source files
                        that were analysed.) (default: False)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

database arguments:
  --sqlite SQLITE_FILE  Path of the SQLite database file to use. (default:
  --postgresql          Specifies that a PostgreSQL database is to be used
                        instead of SQLite. See the "PostgreSQL arguments"
                        section on how to configure the database connection.

PostgreSQL arguments:
  Values of these arguments are ignored, unless '--postgresql' is specified!

  --db-host DBADDRESS
                        Database server address. (default: localhost)
  --db-port DBPORT      Database server port. (default: 5432)
  --db-username DBUSERNAME
                        Username to use for connection. (default: codechecker)
  --db-name DBNAME      Name of the database to use. (default: codechecker)

To start a server which connects to a database where results are stored, use
'CodeChecker server'. The results can be viewed by connecting to such a server
in a Web browser or via 'CodeChecker cmd'.

For example, if the analysis was ran like:

CodeChecker analyze ../codechecker_myProject_build.log -o ./my_plists

then the results of the analysis can be stored to a default SQLite database with

CodeChecker store ./my_plists

Using SQLite for database:

CodeChecker can also use SQLite for storing the results. In this case the SQLite database will be created in the workspace directory.

In order to use PostgreSQL instead of SQLite, use the --postgresql command line argument for CodeChecker server and CodeChecker check commands. If --postgresql is not given then SQLite is used by default in which case --dbport, --dbaddress, --dbname, and --dbusername command line arguments are ignored.


Schema migration is not supported with SQLite. This means if you upgrade your CodeChecker to a newer version, you might need to re-check your project.

Various deployment possibilities

The CodeChecker server can be started separately when desired. In that case multiple clients can use the same database to store new results or view old ones.

Codechecker server and database on the same machine

Codechecker server and the database are running on the same machine but the database server is started manually. In this case the database handler and the database can be started manually by running the server command. The workspace needs to be provided for both the server and the check commands.

CodeChecker server -w ~/codechecker_wp --dbname myProjectdb --dbport 5432 --dbaddress localhost --view-port 8001

The checking process can be started separately on the same machine

CodeChecker check  -w ~/codechecker_wp -n myProject -b "make -j 4" --dbname myProjectdb --dbaddress localhost --dbport 5432

or on a different machine

CodeChecker check  -w ~/codechecker_wp -n myProject -b "make -j 4" --dbname myProjectdb --dbaddress --dbport 5432

Codechecker server and database are on different machines

It is possible that the CodeChecker server and the PostgreSQL database that contains the analysis results are on different machines. To setup PostgreSQL see later section.

In this case the CodeChecker server can be started using the following command:

CodeChecker server --dbname myProjectdb --dbport 5432 --dbaddress --view-port 8001

Start CodeChecker server locally which connects to a remote database (which is started separately). Workspace is not required in this case.

Start the checking as explained previously.

CodeChecker check -w ~/codechecker_wp -n myProject -b "make -j 4" --dbname myProjectdb --dbaddress --dbport 5432

4. checkers mode

List the checkers available in the installed analyzers which can be used when performing an analysis.

Old CodeChecker checkers command

The + (or -) sign before a name of a checker shows whether the checker is enabled (or disabled) by default.

usage: CodeChecker checkers [-h] [--analyzers ANALYZERS [ANALYZERS ...]]
                            [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --analyzers ANALYZERS [ANALYZERS ...]
                        Select which analyzer checkers should be listed.
                        Currently supported analyzers: clangsa clang-tidy
                        (default: None)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

New codechecker-checkers command

By default, codechecker-checkers will list all checkers, one per each row, providing a quick overview on which checkers are available in the analyzers.

usage: codechecker-checkers [-h] [--analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]]
                            [--details] [--only-enabled | --only-disabled]
                            [-o {rows,table,csv,json}]
                            [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Get the list of checkers available and their enabled status in the supported
analyzers. Currently supported analyzers are: clangsa, clang-tidy.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --analyzers ANALYZER [ANALYZER ...]
                        Show checkers only from the analyzers specified.
  --details             Show details about the checker, such as description,
                        if available. (default: False)
  --only-enabled        Show only the enabled checkers. (default: False)
  --only-disabled       Show only the disabled checkers. (default: False)
  -o {rows,table,csv,json}, --output {rows,table,csv,json}
                        The format to list the applicable checkers as.
                        (default: rows)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

The list provided by default is formatted for easy machine and human reading. Use the --only- options (--only-enabled and --only-disabled) to filter the list if you wish to see just the enabled/disabled checkers.

A detailed view of the available checkers is available via --details. In the detailed view, checker status, severity and description (if available) is also printed.

A machine-readable csv or json output can be generated by supplying the --output csv or --output json argument.

The default list of enabled and disabled checkers can be altered by editing {INSTALL_DIR}/config/config.json. Note, that this file is overwritten when the package is reinstalled!

5. analyzers mode

List the available and supported analyzers installed on the system. This command can be used to retrieve the to-be-used analyzers' install path and version information.

By default, this command only lists the names of the available analyzers (with respect to the environment CodeChecker is ran in).

usage: CodeChecker analyzers [-h] [-a] [--details] [-o {rows,table,csv,json}]
                             [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Get the list of available and supported analyzers, querying their version and
actual binary executed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             Show all supported analyzers, not just the available
                        ones. (default: False)
  --details             Show details about the analyzers, not just their
                        names. (default: False)
  -o {rows,table,csv,json}, --output {rows,table,csv,json}
                        Specify the format of the output list. (default: rows)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

A detailed view of the available analyzers is available via --details. In the detailed view, version string and install path is also printed.

A machine-readable csv or json output can be generated by supplying the --output csv or --output json argument.

5. server mode

To view the analysis reports persisted in a database, a CodeChecker server must be started. This is done via the server command, which creates a standard Web server with the given configuration.

The CodeChecker Viewer server can be browsed by a Web browser by opening the address of it (by default, http://localhost:8001), or via the CodeChecker cmd command-line client.

usage: CodeChecker server [-h] [-w WORKSPACE] [-f CONFIG_DIRECTORY]
                          [--host LISTEN_ADDRESS] [-v PORT] [--not-host-only]
                          [-u SUPPRESS] [--sqlite SQLITE_FILE | --postgresql]
                          [--dbaddress DBADDRESS] [--dbport DBPORT]
                          [--dbusername DBUSERNAME] [--dbname DBNAME]
                          [-l | -s | --stop-all]
                          [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

The CodeChecker Web server is used to navigate analysis results. A started
server can be connected to via a Web browser, or by using the 'CodeChecker
cmd' command-line client.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Directory where CodeChecker can store analysis result
                        related data, such as the database. (Cannot be
                        specified at the same time with '--sqlite' or
                        '--config-directory'.) (default:
                        Directory where CodeChecker server should read server-
                        specific configuration (such as authentication
                        settings) from. (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker)
                        The IP address or hostname of the server on which it
                        should listen for connections. (default: localhost)
  -v PORT, --view-port PORT, -p PORT, --port PORT
                        The port which will be used as listen port for the
                        server. (default: 8001)
  --not-host-only       If specified, viewing the results will be possible not
                        only by browsers and clients running locally, but to
                        everyone, who can access the server over the Internet.
                        (Equivalent to specifying '--host ""'.) (default:
  -u SUPPRESS, --suppress SUPPRESS
                        Path of the suppress file to use. The suppress file is
                        used to store which analysis results are marked
                        'suppressed', which is a distinct category on the
                        result viewing interface. NOTE: The suppress file
                        relies on the "bug identifier" generated by the
                        analyzers which is experimental, take care when
                        relying on it.
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

database arguments:
  --sqlite SQLITE_FILE  Path of the SQLite database file to use. (default:
  --postgresql          Specifies that a PostgreSQL database is to be used
                        instead of SQLite. See the "PostgreSQL arguments"
                        section on how to configure the database connection.

PostgreSQL arguments:
  Values of these arguments are ignored, unless '--postgresql' is specified!

  --dbaddress DBADDRESS, --db-host DBADDRESS
                        Database server address. (default: localhost)
  --dbport DBPORT, --db-port DBPORT
                        Database server port. (default: 5432)
  --dbusername DBUSERNAME, --db-username DBUSERNAME
                        Username to use for connection. (default: codechecker)
  --dbname DBNAME, --db-name DBNAME
                        Name of the database to use. (default: codechecker)

To start a server with default configuration, simply execute

CodeChecker server

Creating a public server

                        The IP address or hostname of the server on which it
                        should listen for connections. (default: localhost)
  --not-host-only       If specified, viewing the results will be possible not
                        only by browsers and clients running locally, but to
                        everyone, who can access the server over the Internet.
                        (Equivalent to specifying '--host ""'.) (default:

By default, the running server can only be accessed from the same machine (localhost) where it is running. This can be overridden by specifying --host "", instructing the server to listen on all available interfaces.

Configuring database and server settings' location

The --sqlite (or --postgresql and the various --db- arguments) can be used to specify where the database, containing the analysis reports is.

--config-directory specifies where the server configuration files, such as authentication config is. E.g., one can start two servers with two different databases, but with the same configuration:

CodeChecker server --sqlite ~/major_bugs.sqlite -f ~/.codechecker -p 8001
CodeChecker server --sqlite ~/minor_bugs.sqlite -f ~/.codechecker -p 8002

The --workspace argument can be used to shortcut this specification: by default, the configuration directory is the workspace itself, and therein resides the codechecker.sqlite file, containing the analysis reports.

Managing running servers

running server management:
  -l, --list            List the servers that has been started by you.
  -s, --stop            Stops the server associated with the given view-port
                        and workspace.
  --stop-all            Stops all of your running CodeChecker server

CodeChecker servers can be started in the background as any other service, via common Shell tools, such as nohup and &!. The running instances can be queried via --list.

Calling CodeChecker server --stop will stop the "default" server, i.e. one that was started by simply calling CodeChecker server. This "stop" command is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-C in the server's terminal, resulting in an immediate termination of the server.

A server running on a specific and port can be stopped by:

CodeChecker server -w ~/my_codechecker_workspace -p 8002 --stop

--stop-all will stop every running server that is printed by --list.

5. cmd mode

The CodeChecker cmd is a lightweight command line client that can be used to view analysis results from the command-line. The command-line client can also be integrated into a continuous integration loop or can be used to schedule maintenance tasks.

Most of the features available in a Web browser opening the analysis result viewer server on its port is available in the cmd tool.

usage: CodeChecker cmd [-h] {runs,results,diff,sum,del,suppress,login} ...

The command-line client is used to connect to a running 'CodeChecker server'
(either remote or local) and quickly inspect analysis results, such as runs,
individual defect reports, compare analyses, etc. Please see the invidual
subcommands for further details.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

available actions:
    runs                List the available analysis runs.
    results             List analysis result (finding) summary for a given
    diff                Compare two analysis runs and show the difference.
    sum                 Show number of reports per checker.
    del                 Delete analysis runs.
    suppress            Manage and export/import suppressions of a CodeChecker
    login               Authenticate into CodeChecker servers that require

The operations available in cmd always require a running CodeChecker viewer server (i.e. a server started by CodeChecker server), and the connection details (--host and --port) to access the server.

Most result-giving commands also take an --output format parameter. If this is set to json, a more detailed output is given, in JSON format.

common arguments:
  --host HOST           The address of the CodeChecker viewer server to
                        connect to. (default: localhost)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  The port the server is running on. (default: 8001)
  -o {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}, --output {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}
                        The output format to use in showing the data.
                        (default: plaintext)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

List runs (runs)

usage: CodeChecker cmd runs [-h] [--host HOST] [-p PORT]
                            [-o {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}]
                            [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

List the analysis runs available on the server.

List analysis results' summary (results)

Prints basic information about analysis results, such as location, checker name, summary.

usage: CodeChecker cmd results [-h] -n RUN_NAME [-s] [--filter FILTER]
                               [--host HOST] [-p PORT]
                               [-o {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}]
                               [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Show the individual analysis reports' summary.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n RUN_NAME, --name RUN_NAME
                        Name of the analysis run to show result summaries of.
                        Use 'CodeChecker cmd runs' to get the available runs.
                        (default: None)
  -s, --suppressed      Filter results to only show suppressed entries.
                        (default: False)
  --filter FILTER       Filter results. The filter string has the following
                        format: <severity>:<checker_name>:<file_path>
                        (default: ::)

Show differences between two runs (diff)

This mode shows analysis results (in the same format as results) does, but from the comparison of two runs.

usage: CodeChecker cmd diff [-h] -b BASE_RUN -n NEW_RUN [-s] [--filter FILTER]
                            (--new | --resolved | --unresolved) [--host HOST]
                            [-p PORT] [-o {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}]
                            [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Compare two analysis runs to show the results that differ between the two.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE_RUN, --basename BASE_RUN
                        The 'base' (left) side of the difference: this
                        analysis run is used as the initial state in the
  -n NEW_RUN, --newname NEW_RUN
                        The 'new' (right) side of the difference: this
                        analysis run is compared to the -b/--basename run.
  -s, --suppressed      Filter results to only show suppressed entries.
                        (default: False)
  --filter FILTER       Filter results. The filter string has the following
                        format: <severity>:<checker_name>:<file_path>
                        (default: ::)

comparison modes:
  --new                 Show results that didn't exist in the 'base' but
                        appear in the 'new' run.
  --resolved            Show results that existed in the 'base' but
                        disappeared from the 'new' run.
  --unresolved          Show results that appear in both the 'base' and the
                        'new' run.

Show summarised count of results (sum)

usage: CodeChecker cmd sum [-h] (-n RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...] | -a) [-s]
                           [--filter FILTER] [--host HOST] [-p PORT]
                           [-o {plaintext,rows,table,csv,json}]
                           [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Show the count of checker reports per checker for some analysis runs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...], --name RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...]
                        Names of the analysis runs to show result count
                        breakdown for.
  -a, --all             Show breakdown for all analysis runs.
  -s, --suppressed      Filter results to only show suppressed entries.
                        (default: False)
  --filter FILTER       Filter results. The filter string has the following
                        format: <severity>:<checker_name>:<file_path>
                        (default: ::)

Remove analysis runs (del)

usage: CodeChecker cmd del [-h]
                           (-n RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...] |
                            --all-before-run RUN_NAME |
                            --all-after-run RUN_NAME |
                            --all-after-time TIMESTAMP |
                            --all-before-time TIMESTAMP)
                           [--host HOST] [-p PORT]
                           [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Remove analysis runs from the server based on some criteria. NOTE! When a run
is deleted, ALL associated information is permanently lost!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...], --name RUN_NAME [RUN_NAME ...]
                        Full name of the analysis run or runs to delete.
  --all-before-run RUN_NAME
                        Delete all runs that were stored to the server BEFORE
                        the specified one.
  --all-after-run RUN_NAME
                        Delete all runs that were stored to the server AFTER
                        the specified one.
  --all-after-time TIMESTAMP
                        Delete all analysis runs that were stored to the
                        server AFTER the given timestamp. The format of
                        TIMESTAMP is 'year:month:day:hour:minute:second' (the
                        "time" part can be omitted, in which case midnight
                        (00:00:00) is used).
  --all-before-time TIMESTAMP
                        Delete all analysis runs that were stored to the
                        server BEFORE the given timestamp. The format of
                        TIMESTAMP is 'year:month:day:hour:minute:second' (the
                        "time" part can be omitted, in which case midnight
                        (00:00:00) is used).

Manage and export/import suppressions (suppress)

usage: CodeChecker cmd suppress [-h] -n RUN_NAME [-f]
                                (-e SUPPRESS_FILE | -i SUPPRESS_FILE | --bugid BUGID)
                                [--file FILE] [-x] [-c COMMENT] [--host HOST]
                                [-p PORT]
                                [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Exports or imports suppressions from a CodeChecker server from/to a suppress
file, and is also used (if '--bugid' is specified) to (un)suppress reports.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n RUN_NAME, --name RUN_NAME
                        Name of the analysis run to suppress or unsuppress a
                        report in.
  -f, --force           Enable suppression of already suppressed reports.
                        Export into a suppress file from suppressions in the
                        server's database.
                        Import suppression from the suppress file into the
  --bugid BUGID         Manage suppression of the defect report based on its

per-report arguments:
  Options here are only applicable is '--bugid' is specified!

  --file FILE           Suppress/unsuppress the given report ONLY in the
                        specified file, instead of every occurrence of it.
  -x, --unsuppress      Unsuppress the specified report. (If not given,
                        default action is to suppress a report.)
  -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT
                        Specify the (optional) comment which explains why the
                        given report is suppressed.

Export/import suppressions between server and suppress file

                        Export into a suppress file from suppressions in the
                        server's database.
                        Import suppression from the suppress file into the

--export can be used to create a suppress file from the suppressions stored in the database for a given run.

--import appends the suppressions found in the given suppress file to the database on the server.

Suppress or unsuppress a particular bug report

  --bugid BUGID         Manage suppression of the defect report based on its

  --file FILE           Suppress/unsuppress the given report ONLY in the
                        specified file, instead of every occurrence of it.
  -x, --unsuppress      Unsuppress the specified report. (If not given,
                        default action is to suppress a report.)
  -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT
                        Specify the (optional) comment which explains why the
                        given report is suppressed.

Authenticate to the server (login)

usage: CodeChecker cmd login [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-d] [--host HOST] [-p PORT]
                             [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Certain CodeChecker servers can require elevated privileges to access analysis
results. In such cases it is mandatory to authenticate to the server. This
action is used to perform an authentication in the command-line.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        The username to authenticate with. (default: ericsza)
  -d, --deactivate, --logout
                        Send a logout request to end your privileged session.

If a server requires privileged access, you must log in before you can access the data on the particular server. Once authenticated, your session is available for some time and CodeChecker cmd can be used normally.

The password can be saved on the disk. If such "preconfigured" password is not found, the user will be asked, in the command-line, to provide credentials.

7. debug mode

The debug mode of CodeChecker generates log files for failed build actions, which can be helpful for debugging checkers.

usage: CodeChecker debug [-h] [-w WORKSPACE] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-f]
                         [--sqlite SQLITE_FILE | --postgresql]
                         [--dbaddress DBADDRESS] [--dbport DBPORT]
                         [--dbusername DBUSERNAME] [--dbname DBNAME]
                         [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Create debug logs and GNU GDB debug dump files for all compilation commands
whose analysis failed in the most recent analysis run in the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Directory where CodeChecker can find analysis result
                        related data, such as the database. (Cannot be
                        specified at the same time with '--sqlite' and '--
                        output'.) (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory where the created files should be put to.
                        (default: /home/<username>/.codechecker/dumps)
  -f, --force           Overwrite already existing debug files. (default:
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level. (default: info)

database arguments:
  --sqlite SQLITE_FILE  Path of the SQLite database file to use. (default:
  --postgresql          Specifies that a PostgreSQL database is to be used
                        instead of SQLite. See the "PostgreSQL arguments"
                        section on how to configure the database connection.

PostgreSQL arguments:
  Values of these arguments are ignored, unless '--postgresql' is specified!

  --dbaddress DBADDRESS, --db-host DBADDRESS
                        Database server address. (default: localhost)
  --dbport DBPORT, --db-port DBPORT
                        Database server port. (default: 5432)
  --dbusername DBUSERNAME, --db-username DBUSERNAME
                        Username to use for connection. (default: codechecker)
  --dbname DBNAME, --db-name DBNAME
                        Name of the database to use. (default: codechecker)

Example Usage

Checking files

Checking with some extra checkers disabled and enabled

CodeChecker check -w ~/Develop/workspace -j 4 -b "cd ~/Libraries/myproject && make clean && make -j4" -s ~/Develop/skip.list -u ~/Develop/suppress.txt -e unix.Malloc -d core.uninitialized.Branch  -n MyLittleProject -c --dbport 5432 --dbname cctestdb

View results

To view the results CodeChecker sever needs to be started.

CodeChecker server -w ~/codes/package/checker_ws/ --dbport 5432 --dbaddress localhost

After the server has started open the outputed link to the browser (localhost:8001 in this example).

[11318] - WARNING! No suppress file was given, suppressed results will be only stored in the database.
[11318] - Checking for database
[11318] - Database is not running yet
[11318] - Starting database
[11318] - Waiting for client requests on [localhost:8001]

Run CodeChecker distributed in a cluster

You may want to configure CodeChecker to do the analysis on separate machines in a distributed way. Start the postgres database on a central machine (in this example it is called codechecker.central) on a remotely accessible address and port and then run CodeChecker check on multiple machines (called host1 and host2), specify the remote dbaddress and dbport and use the same run name.

Create and start an empty database to which the CodeChecker server can connect.

Setup PostgreSQL (one time only)

Before the first use, you have to setup PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL stores its data files in a data directory, so before you start the PostgreSQL server you have to create and init this data directory. I will call the data directory to pgsql_data.

Do the following steps:

# on machine codechecker.central

mkdir -p /path/to/pgsql_data
initdb -U codechecker -D /path/to/pgsql_data -E "SQL_ASCII"
# Start PostgreSQL server on port 5432
postgres -U codechecker -D /path/to/pgsql_data -p 5432 &>pgsql_log &

Run CodeChecker on multiple hosts

Then you can run CodeChecker on multiple hosts but using the same run name (in this example this is called "distributed_run". postgres is listening on codechecker.central port 9999.

# On host1 we check module1
CodeChecker check -w /tmp/codechecker_ws -b "cd module_1;make" --dbport 5432 --dbaddress codechecker.central -n distributed_run

# On host2 we check module2
CodeChecker check -w /tmp/codechecker_ws -b "cd module_2;make" --dbport 5432 --dbaddress codechecker.central -n disributed_run

PostgreSQL authentication (optional)

If a CodeChecker is run with a user that needs database authentication, the PGPASSFILE environment variable should be set to a pgpass file For format and further information see PostgreSQL documentation:

Debugging CodeChecker

Command line flag can be used to turn in CodeChecker debug mode. The different subcommands can be given a -v flag which needs a parameter. Possible values are debug, debug_analyzer and info. Default is info.

debug_analyzer switches analyzer related logs on:

CodeChecker check -n <name> -b <build_command> --verbose debug_analyzer

Turning on CodeChecker debug level logging is possible for the most subcommands:

CodeChecker check -n <name> -b <build_command> --verbose debug
CodeChecker server -v <view_port> --verbose debug

If debug logging is enabled and PostgreSQL database is used, PostgreSQL logs are written to postgresql.log in the workspace directory.

Turn on SQL_ALCHEMY debug level logging