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Spacenav Nodes


Published topics
  • spacenav/offset (geometry_msgs/Vector3)

    Publishes the linear component of the joystick's position. Approximately normalized to a range of -1 to 1.

  • spacenav/rot_offset(geometry_msgs/Vector3)

    Publishes the angular component of the joystick's position. Approximately normalized to a range of -1 to 1.

  • spacenav/twist (geometry_msgs/Twist)

    Combines offset and rot_offset into a single message.

  • spacenav/joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)

    Outputs the spacenav's six degrees of freedom and its buttons as a joystick message.

  • zero_when_static

    sets values to zero when the spacenav is not moving

  • static_count_threshold

    The number of polls needed to be done before the device is considered "static"

  • static_trans_deadband

    sets the translational deadband

  • static_rot_deadband

    sets the rotational deadband

  • linear_scale

    sets the scale of the linear output

    takes a vector (x, y, z)

  • angular_scale

    sets the scale of the angular output

    takes a vector (x, y, z)

The linear_scale and angular_scale parameters take vector arguements. The easiest way to set these parameters is with a launch file like so:

  <node pkg="spacenav_node" type="spacenav_node" name="$(anon spacenav_node)" output="screen">
    <rosparam param="linear_scale">[.25, .25, .25]</rosparam>
    <rosparam param="angular_scale">[.5, .5, .5]</rosparam>

Running the spacenav_node

Running the node is straightforward

$rosrun spacenav_node spacenav_node

The node is now publishing to the topics listed above.


Viewing the output from the spacenav can be done as follows:

$ rostopic echo /spacenav/joy