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This directory contains throughput performace tests for
the Data Distribution Service implementation in TAO.

These tests are meant to be apples-to-apples comparison test with
the "comparative" performance tests made for AAC that
compare raw TCP, raw UDP, RTEC and the Notification service in
different topologies and message sizes.

The topologies are 1-1 1-4, 4-1 and 2-3  (publishers-subscribers).
The tests support samples of 128, 512, 2048 and 8192 floats.

- TypeNoKeyBounded
    Sample data types.

- TCPListenerTest
    Uses the tcp transport.
    Subscriber reads after N calls to on_data_available.

- UDPListenerTest
    Uses the udp transport.
    Must throttle the publisher to avoid having too many dropped packets.
    Subscriber reads after N calls to on_data_available.

- UDPNoKeyTest
- SimpleE2ETest
   These tests are equivalent to the TCPListenerTest and UDPListenerTest
   but the subscriber polls calling read.
   These tests are less efficient than the Listener variants (because
   of thread context switching).

- TCPProfilingTest
    Uses the SimpleTCPTransport.
    Subscriber reads after N calls to on_data_available.
    Includes raw TCP version of the test in raw_tcp subdirectory.

- SimpleLatency
    A simple end-to-end latency test.
    Uses the SimpleTCPTransport.
    Includes raw TCP version of the test in raw_tcp subdirectory.