You've found GitSavvy's online documentation.
All documentation is in markdown. Beyond what you might expect, if you see a link to a different page, you can browse to that page by pressing SUPER-Enter while the link is under your cursor (CTRL-Enter on Windows).
To return to the previous page, press SUPER-Backspace (CTRL-Backspace on Windows).
If you run into any issues not addressed here, please feel free to open an issue and ask for help!
- git: diff current file inline
- git: diff current file inline (cached)
- git: quick stage
- git: diff
- git: diff cached
- git: commit
- git: commit including unstaged files
- git: quick commit
- git: quick stage current file and commit
- git: checkout
- git: checkout new branch
- git: checkout current file
- git: merge
- git: abort merge
- git: restart merge for file...
- git: checkout remote branch as local
- git: fetch
- git: pull
- git: push
- git: push to branch
- git: push to branch name
- git: log
- git: log current file
- git: log by author
- git: blame current file
- git: graph
- git: reset
- git: reset (reflog)
- git: cherry-pick
- git: ignore current file
- git: ignore pattern
- git: assume file unchanged
- git: restore file assumed unchanged
- GitSavvy: reload modules (debug)
- GitSavvy: start logging
- GitSavvy: stop logging
- GitSavvy: view recorded log
- github: open file on remote
- issues integration in commit view
- contributors integration in commit view
If you have the need, you can add your own commands that take advantage of GitSavvy's access to your repo. To do so, create a new User.sublime-commands
file in your User
Package directory. Then, add an entry like so:
"caption": "git: pull --rebase",
"command": "gs_custom",
"args": {
"output_to_panel": true,
"args": ["pull", "--rebase"],
"start_msg": "Starting pull (rebase)...",
"complete_msg": "Pull complete."
For more information see custom commands documentation