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Lantern CLI

Lantern Index Builder


This is a CLI application that creates an index for Lantern outside of Postgres which can later be imported into Postgres. This allows for faster index creation through parallelization.

How to use


Run cargo install --path lantern_cli to install the binary


Lantern External Index

Run cargo run start-indexing-server --help to show the cli options.

Usage: lantern-cli start-indexing-server [OPTIONS]

      --host <HOST>                Host to bind [default:]
      --tmp-dir <TMP_DIR>          Temp directory to save intermediate files [default: /tmp]
      --port <PORT>                Port to bind [default: 8998]
      --status-port <STATUS_PORT>  Status Server Port to bind [default: 8999]
      --cert <CERT>                SSL Certificate path
      --key <KEY>                  SSL Certificate key path
  -h, --help                       Print help


This will start external indexing server, which will be used when creating an index using external=true.

SET lantern.external_index_host='';
SET lantern.external_index_port='8998';
SET lantern.external_index_secure=false;
CREATE INDEX ON test_table USING lantern_hnsw(v) WITH (external=true);

Lantern Embeddings


This is a CLI application that generates vector embeddings from your postgres data.

How to use


Run cargo install --path lantern_cli to install the binary if you have clonned the source code or cargo install --git to install from git.

or build and use the docker image

# Run with CPU version
docker run -v models-volume:/models --rm --network host lanterndata/lantern-cli create-embeddings --model 'BAAI/bge-large-en' --uri 'postgresql://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table "wiki" --column "content" --out-column "content_embedding" --batch-size 40 --data-path /models

# Run with GPU verion
nvidia-docker run -v models-volume:/models --rm --network host lanterndata/lantern-cli:gpu create-embeddings  --model 'BAAI/bge-large-en' --uri 'postgresql://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table "wiki" --column "content" --out-column "content_embedding" --batch-size 40 --data-path /models

nvidia-container-runtime is required for GPU version to work. You can check the GPU load using nvtop command (apt install nvtop)


Run lantern-cli create-embeddings --help to show the cli options. Run lantern-cli show-models to show available models.

Text Embedding Example

  1. Create table with text data
CREATE TABLE articles (id SERIAL, description TEXT, embedding REAL[]);
INSERT INTO articles SELECT generate_series(0,999), 'My description column!';

Currently it is requried for table to have id column, so it could map the embedding with row when exporting output.

  1. Run embedding generation
lantern-cli create-embeddings  --model 'clip/ViT-B-32-textual'  --uri 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test' --table "articles" --column "description" --out-column "embedding" --schema "public"

The output database, table and column names can be specified via --out-table, --out-uri, --out-column arguments. Check help for more info.

Image Embedding Example

  1. Create table with image uris data
CREATE TABLE images (id SERIAL, url TEXT, embedding REAL[]);
INSERT INTO images (url) VALUES (''), ('');
  1. Run embedding generation
lantern-cli create-embeddings  --model 'clip/ViT-B-32-visual'  --uri 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test' --table "images" --column "url" --out-column "embedding" --schema "public" --visual

OpenAI and Cohere Embeddings

Lantern CLI also supports generating OpenAI and Cohere embeddings via API. For that you should specify --runtime and --runtime-params arguments

# OpenAI
lantern-cli create-embeddings  --model 'text-embedding-ada-002' --uri 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test' --table "images" --column "url" --out-column "embedding" --schema "public" --runtime openai --runtime-params '{ "api_token": "sk-xxx-xxxx" }'

# Cohere
lantern-cli create-embeddings  --model 'embed-english-v3.0' --uri 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test' --table "images" --column "url" --out-column "embedding" --schema "public" --runtime cohere --runtime-params '{ "api_token": "xxx-xxxx" }'

|> To get available runtimes use bash lantern-cli show-runtimes

Index Autotune

Lantern CLI supports autotuning HNSW index parameters. To use the functionality run

lantern-cli autotune-index -u 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/test' -t "sift1m" -c "v" --metric-kind l2sq --test-data-size 10000 --k 20

To get full list of arguments use bash lantern-cli autotune-index -h

Daemon Mode

Lantern CLI can be used in daemon mode to continousely listen to postgres table and generate embeddings, external indexes or autotune jobs.

 lantern-cli start-daemon --uri 'postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres' --embedding-table embedding_jobs --autotune-table index_autotune_jobs --autotune-results-table index_parameter_experiment_results --schema public --log-level debug

This will set up trigger on specified table (lantern_jobs) and when new row will be inserted it will start embedding generation based on row data. After that the triggers will be set up in target table, so it will generate embeddings continousely for that table. The jobs table should have the following structure

-- Embedding Jobs Table should have the following structure:
CREATE TABLE "public"."embedding_jobs" (
    "schema" text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
    "table" text NOT NULL,
    "pk" text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'id',
    "label" text NULL,
    "job_type" text DEFAULT 'embedding_generation',
    "column_type" text DEFAULT 'REAL[]',
    "runtime" text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ort',
    "runtime_params" jsonb,
    "batch_size" int NULL,
    "src_column" text NOT NULL,
    "dst_column" text NOT NULL,
    "embedding_model" text NOT NULL,
    "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    "canceled_at" timestamp,
    "init_started_at" timestamp,
    "init_finished_at" timestamp,
    "init_failed_at" timestamp,
    "init_failure_reason" text,
    "init_progress" int2 DEFAULT 0
-- Autotune Jobs Table should have the following structure:
CREATE TABLE "public"."index_autotune_jobs" (
    "database_id" text NOT NULL,
    "db_connection" text NOT NULL,
    "schema" text NOT NULL,
    "table" text NOT NULL,
    "column" text NOT NULL,
    "operator" text NOT NULL,
    "target_recall" DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL,
    "embedding_model" text NULL,
    "k" int NOT NULL,
    "n" int NOT NULL,
    "create_index" bool NOT NULL,
    "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    "canceled_at" timestamp,
    "started_at" timestamp,
    "progress" INT2 DEFAULT 0,
    "finished_at" timestamp,
    "failed_at" timestamp,
    "failure_reason" text

-- Autotune results table should have the following structure:
CREATE TABLE "public"."index_parameter_experiment_results" (
     experiment_id INT NOT NULL, -- reference to
     ef INT NOT NULL,
     efc INT  NOT NULL,
     m INT  NOT NULL,

Lantern PQ


Use external product quantization to compress table vectors using kmeans clustering.


Run lantern-cli pq-table --help to show the cli options.

Job can be run both on local instance and also using GCP batch jobs to parallelize the workload over handreds of VMs to speed up clustering.

To run locally use:

lantern-cli pq-table --uri 'postgres://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table sift10k --column v --clusters 256 --splits 32

The job will be run on current machine utilizing all available cores.

For big datasets over 1M it is convinient to run the job using GCP batch jobs.
Make sure to have GCP credentials set-up before running this command:

lantern-cli pq-table --uri 'postgres://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table sift10k --column v --clusters 256 --splits 32 --run-on-gcp

If you prefer to orchestrate task on your own on premise servers you need to do the following 3 steps:

  1. Run setup job. This will create necessary tables and add pqvec column on target table
lantern-cli pq-table --uri 'postgres://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table sift10k --column v --clusters 256 --splits 32 --skip-codebook-creation --skip-vector-compression
  1. Run clustering job. This will create codebook for the table and export to postgres table
lantern-cli pq-table --uri 'postgres://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table sift10k --column v --clusters 256 --splits 32 --skip-table-setup --skip-vector-compression --parallel-task-count 10 --subvector-id 0

In this case this command should be run 32 times for each subvector in range [0-31] and --parallel-task-count means at most we will run 10 tasks in parallel. This is used to not exceed max connection limit on postgres.

  1. Run compression job. This will compress vectors using the generated codebook and export results under pqvec column
lantern-cli pq-table --uri 'postgres://[email protected]:5432/postgres' --table sift10k --column v --clusters 256 --splits 32 --skip-table-setup --skip-codebook-creation --parallel-task-count 10 --total-task-count 10 --compression-task-id 0

In this case this command should be run 10 times for each part of codebook in range [0-9] and --parallel-task-count means at most we will run 10 tasks in parallel. This is used to not exceed max connection limit on postgres.

Table should have primary key, in order for this job to work. If primary key is different than id provide it using --pk argument