- CVAT chart manual
- Prerequisites
- Configuration
- Deployment
- Post-deployment configuration
- What is kubernetes and how it is working?
- What is helm and how it is working?
- How to enable ingress:
- How to understand what diff will be inflicted by 'helm upgrade'?
- I want to use my own postgresql/redis with your chart.
- I want to override some settings in values.yaml.
- Why you used external charts to provide redis and postgres?
- Installed and configured kubernetes cluster.
- Installed kubectl
- Installed Helm.
- Installed dependencies
To install and/or update run:
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update
helm dependency update
- Install ingress of your choice (for example: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx)
- Create certificates for https (for example: https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/)
- Create
file insidehelm-chart
directory. - Fill
with new parameters for chart. - Override postgresql password
- Create a rules.tar.gz archive containing all OPA rules inside this
find ../cvat/apps/iam/rules -name "*.rego" -and ! -name '*test*' -exec basename {} \; | tar -czf rules.tar.gz -C ../cvat/apps/iam/rules/ -T -
- (Optional) Add ingress parameters
Put below into your values.override.yaml
password: <insert_password>
postgres_password: <insert_postgres_password>
replication_password: <insert_replication_password>
Or create your own secret and use it with:
existingSecret: <secret>
Paste below parameters to values.override.yaml
enabled: true
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: "120"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: "120"
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: <issuer_name>
- host: <your_domain>
- path: "/api/.*|git/.*|tensorflow/.*|auto_annotation/.*|analytics/.*|static/.*|admin|admin/.*|documentation/.*|dextr/.*|reid/.*"
name: <release_name>-backend-service
port: 8080
- path: "/"
pathType: "Prefix"
name: <release_name>-frontend-service
port: 80
- hosts:
- <your_domain>
secretName: ingress-tls-cvat
Make sure you are using correct kubernetes context. You can check it with kubectl config current-context
Warning: The k8s service name of Open Policy Agent is fixed to opa by default. This is done to be compatible with CVAT 2.0 but limits this helm chart to a single release per namespace. The OPA url currently can´t be set as an environment variable. As soon as this is possible you can set cvat.opa.composeCompatibleServiceName to false in your value.override.yaml and configure the opa url as additional env.
Execute following command from repo root directory
helm upgrade -n <desired_namespace> <release_name> -i --create-namespace ./helm-chart -f ./helm-chart/values.yaml -f ./helm-chart/values.override.yaml
helm upgrade -n <desired_namespace> <release_name> -i --create-namespace ./helm-chart -f ./helm-chart/values.yaml
- Create super user
HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE="<desired_namespace>" &&\
HELM_RELEASE_NAME="<release_name>" &&\
BACKEND_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod --namespace $HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE -l tier=backend,app.kubernetes.io/instance=$HELM_RELEASE_NAME -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') &&\
kubectl exec -it --namespace $HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE $BACKEND_POD_NAME -c cvat-backend-app-container -- python manage.py createsuperuser
See https://helm.sh/
Just set ingress.enabled:
to true
, then copy example, uncomment it and change values there
You can use https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff#install for that
Just set postgresql.enabled
or redis.enabled
to false
, as described below.
Then - put your instance params to "external" field
Just create file values.override.yaml
and place your changes here, using same structure as in values.yaml
Then reference it in helm update/install command using -f
Because they definitely know what they do better then we are, so we are getting more quality and less support