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Polyglot (Clojure, Java) Projects With Leiningen

Clojure is a hosted language that encourages interoperability with its platform. It is not uncommon to find some amount of Java code in Clojure projects managed by Leiningen.

This guide explains how you can control source code layout with Leiningen, compile Java sources and other topics related to polyglot codebases.

Source Layout

By default, Leiningen assumes your project only has Clojure source code under src. When using both Clojure and Java in the same codebase, however, it is necessary to tell Leiningen where to find Java sources.

To do so, use :source-paths and :java-source-path options in the project definition:

(defproject megacorp/superservice "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "A Clojure project with a little bit of Java sprinkled here and there"
  :min-lein-version  "2.0.0"
  :source-paths      ["src/clojure"]
  :java-source-paths ["src/java"])

Having one source root contain another (e.g. src and src/java) can cause obscure problems.

Java Source Compilation

To compile Java sources, you can explicitly run

lein javac

However, it is usually not necessary because tasks that need to run project code (lein test, lein run, etc.) will trigger compilation automatically. Manually running lein javac may be necessary when using lein do, lein with-profiles or lein repl actively while also actively changing Java sources in the project.


lein clean

will remove all compilation artifacts.

Setting Java Compiler Options With Leiningen

When compiling Java sources, it may be necessary to pass extra arguments to the compiler. For example, it is very important to target the JVM version you are going to deploy your project to.

This is done via the :javac-options which takes a vector of arguments as you would pass them to javac on the command line. In this case we say that Java sources use features up to JDK 6 and target JVM is also version 6:

(defproject megacorp/superservice "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "A Clojure project with a little bit of Java sprinkled here and there"
  :min-lein-version "2.0.0"
  :source-paths ["src/clojure"]
  :java-source-paths ["src/java"]
  :javac-options     ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6"])

Leiningen 2 and later versions uses the JDK compiler API to compile Java sources.

Failing to specify the target version will lead JDK compiler to target whatever JDK Leiningen is running on. It is a good practice to explicitly specify target JVM version in mixed Clojure/Java projects.

Interleaving Compilation Steps

In some cases it may be necessary to alternate between compiling different languages. For instance, systems that generate and reference Java sources may also provide Clojure code for the generated sources to use.

Any Clojure code referenced by Java sources must be AOT compiled to make it available to the Java compiler. Similarly, the Java classes produced by javac must be available for Clojure code that depends on it. This results in steps of compile javac compile, whereas the default task order is simply javac compile.

This sequence can be accomplished by executing lein with different profiles. A profile can be built to perform the initial steps, while another profile continues to the final compilation stage. For instance, the following is an example of a profile called :precomp that AOT compiles the ex.ast namespace. The sources for this first step are kept in separate directory from the source directory used by the default profile:

  :profiles { :precomp { :source-paths ["src/pre/clojure"]
                         :aot [ex.ast] } }

This profile can then be compiled using: lein with-profile precomp compile n Once this is done, the default profile can be used in a separate invocation of lein to perform the javac and compile steps.

The following is a complete example of a project that interleaves Clojure and Java compiling. The entire project uses Clojure, except for generated Java sources. In this case, the project uses the Beaver parser generator to create Java source code which calls code written in Clojure. The resulting parser is then referenced by Clojure code.

(defproject example/parser "0.0.1"
  :description "Parser written in Clojure, with generated Java sources"
  :min-lein-version "2.0.0"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]
                 [net.sf.beaver/beaver-ant "0.9.9"]]
  :plugins [[lein-beaver "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :source-paths ["src/clojure"]
  :java-source-paths ["target/src"]
  :grammar-src-dir "src/grammar"
  :grammar-dest-dir "target/src"
  :profiles { :precomp { :prep-tasks ^:replace ["beaver" "compile"]
                         :source-paths ["src/pre/clojure"]
                         :aot [parser.ast] } })

The :prep-tasks attribute in the profile adds the source-code generation step into the sequence of operations to be performed when compiling (though this could have been added to the default profile instead - so long as it occurs before the javac). The :beaver task uses :grammar-src-dir to find the grammar files and creates the Java sources in the directory specified by :grammar-dest-dir (this is placed in "target/" to ensure that it gets removed during a clean). It should be apparent that the generated code is going to use classes and/or protocols found in the parser.ast namespace, which is why this namespace is AOT compiled. Also, note that the target of the beaver step matches the sources of the default profile for the subsequent javac step.

Running the precomp profile generates the .java sources and compiles the parser.ast namespace:

$ lein with-profile precomp compile

The project is now ready to complete compilation normally. For instance, invoking lein test or lein uberjar will cause javac and compile to run first.

Other Languages

Java is not the only language you can mix with Leiningen, but it's the only one supported out of the box. Plugins exist for Scala and Groovy as well.