Want to be a developer.
Just a tech fan who wants to be a developer.
- Gorontalo, Indonesia
- https://wayosu-portfolio.vercel.app/
- @wayoosu
- wayoosu
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written in Vue
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Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
Tiny RDM (Tiny Redis Desktop Manager) - A modern, colorful, super lightweight Redis GUI client for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue3 & Vite、Element Plus 的前后端分离权限管理系统
All-inclusive Python cheatsheet
A UI Library for Modern Web Apps, powered by Vue & Tailwind CSS.
A Web Interface for chatting with your local LLMs via the ollama API
A laravel package to monitor cpu, memory, hard disk, web server and network connection
Complete Refactoring Guide and Code Smells (Bahasa Indonesia)