Starred repositories
Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails
Ramaze / ramaze
Forked from manveru/ramazeRamaze is a simple, light and modular open-source web application framework written in Ruby.
rking / ag.vim
Forked from mileszs/ack.vimVim plugin for the_silver_searcher, 'ag', a replacement for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
Heroku's Ruby Buildpack for Cedar, customized for Jekyll
bernat / best_in_place
Forked from janv/rest_in_placeA RESTful unobtrusive jQuery Inplace-Editor and a helper as a Rails Gem
01walid / progit2
Forked from progit/progit2النسخة العربية للإصدار الثاني من كتاب Pro Git
railsgsoc / actionform
Forked from m-Peter/activeformCreate nested forms with ease.
mvz / happymapper
Forked from jnunemaker/happymapperObject to XML mapping library, using Nokogiri (Fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)
rails / web-console
Forked from gsamokovarov/web-consoleRails Console on the Browser.
rails / conductor
Forked from NewRosies/conductorConductor is a Rails engine that lets you do through a web UI what you'd normally do with the rails shell command.
ranmocy / guard-rails
Forked from johnbintz/guard-railsGuard-Rails is watching on your development servers as you wish!
wazery / ratyrate
Forked from muratguzel/letsrate⭐ A Ruby Gem that wraps the functionality of jQuery Raty library, and provides optional IMDB style rating.
regedarek / ZoomWin
Forked from vim-scripts/ZoomWinZoom in/out of windows (toggle between one window and multi-window)
whitespace-ltd / javascript
Forked from airbnb/javascriptJavaScript Style Guide
Template for deploying Rails applications with Capistrano 3
wazery / moviestore
Forked from kelhusseiny/moviestoreE-Store App - Sitepoint.com Tutorial
collectiveidea / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
addyosmani / dotfiles
Forked from paulirish/dotfilesMy dot files (in need of updating to my latest)
Potter More Spell Caster
avin2 / SensorKinect
Forked from PrimeSense/SensorPrimeSensor Modules for OpenNI