Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to …
This is a collection of Matlab functions that are useful in the development of target tracking algorithms.
LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, illustrative and for research purpose only. It is accompanied with a paper for reference: Revisit Long Short-T…
A Chinese Translation of Stanford CS229 notes 斯坦福机器学习CS229课程讲义的中文翻译
Repo containing a copy of mcbench benchmarks
This toolbox offers 40 feature extraction methods (EMAV, EWL, MAV, WL, SSC, ZC, and etc.) for Electromyography (EMG) signals applications.
matlab functions for processing electromyography signals
MATLAB implementation of (FAST) ICA decomposition of hd-sEMG signals to motor units
Code implementing channel-selection based on utility metric in a least-squares (LS) problem
MATLAB's graycomatrix function extended to support 3D volumes
EMG signal Preprocessing & Feature Extraction & Classification.
Decomposing EMG (Electromyography) data into motor unit spikes using MATLAB
Comparision of Random Forest, Random Subspace and Bagging Algorithms.
MATLAB code that takes an EMG signal as input and realizes a complete EMG decomposition of the signal.
EMG ML model for the provide early warning of PD
MATLAB code to model a motor unit potential (MUP) with an infinite halfspace volume conductor
Implementation of the preliminary steps about the analysis of the EMG signals.
Selecting the best time-domain EMG features using the novel and some classical feature selection algorithms.