Get two nodes or VM which meets the gravity requirements:
Get Gravity Tools
$ curl | bash
$ tele pull gravity:6.3.6
$ tar -xvf gravity-6.3.6.tar
Install Gravity
$ sudo ./gravity install --cloud-provider=generic
Expand the cluster to 2 nodes since the conformance suite requires at least 2 nodes.
$ sudo ./gravity join --token=<token> --role=knode
Enter the gravity container on node 1, which holds our kubernetes installation
$ sudo gravity enter
Delete all the jobs used during installation so they don't conflict with the testing
18:55:16 root@cncf-conformance-1:/# kubectl get jobs --all-namespaces | awk '{ print $2, "--namespace", $1 }' | while read line; do kubectl delete jobs $line; done
Run the conformance tests
gravity-conformance-2:/$ curl -L -o sonobuoy.tar.gz
gravity-conformance-2:/$ tar -zxvf sonobuoy.tar.gz
gravity-conformance-2:/$ ./sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance