Category: Exploit Points: 100 Description:
1947-1991 / Don't forget to switch the VPN server.
Exploit the local path inclusion vulnerability in the ColdFusion admin panel:
This gets you an MD5 hash, which is the hash of the password ~Coldfusion
Now you can use the ColdFusion admin panel to add a ‘scheduled task’ to fetch your JSP/PHP/CFM shell and put it in a web-exposed directory. We used a simple reverse shell in combination with nc -v -n -l -p 4444
Once you have a shell, start digging. The flag is in C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\paranoia.jpg
and looks like this:
The file name hints at paranoia.jar
which is a steganography tool. Using that tool (or another stenography tool) with the provided image and the key That's the most evilest thing I can imagine.
we find the flag:
The Cold War is over but Cold War thinking survives.
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