Category: Duchess Points: 2 Description:
Aim small, miss small. Or not...your call. 20689
TODO: Add detailed challenge description
Here is a working example:
import socket
import math
import numpy
import time
def parse_level(text):
level = 0
for line in text.split('\n'):
if line.strip().startswith("Level"):
levelline = line.strip().split()
level = int(levelline[1])
if level < 10:
x,y = parse_level1(text)
x,y = parse_level2(text)
return x, y
def parse_level1(text):
x = 0
y = 0
level = 0
for line in text.split('\n'):
if line.startswith("The zombie is stalking"):
line = line.split()
x = int(line[6].replace('m', ''))
y = int(line[11].replace('m', ''))
print "Zombie is at: "
print "x: ", x
print "y: ", y
return x,y
def parse_level2(text):
x = 0
y = 0
level = 0
for line in text.split('\n'):
if line.startswith("The zombie is stalking"):
splitline = line.split()
zx = int(splitline[14].replace('m', ''))
zy = int(splitline[19].replace('m', ''))
px = int(splitline[28].replace('m', ''))
py = int(splitline[33].replace('m', ''))
print "Zombie is at: "
print "x: ", zx
print "y: ", zy
print "Puppy is at: "
print "x: ", px
print "y: ", py
if line.find("eats the puppy") != -1:
eta = int(line.split(' ')[2])
print "ETA dead puppy:", eta
if line.find("gone by") != -1:
# Consider +1 because of the wait
my_time = int(line.split(' ')[0]) + 1
print "Elapsed time:", my_time + 1
new_x, new_y = calculate_position(zx, zy, px, py, eta, my_time)
dummy = s.recv(1024)
print dummy
return new_x,new_y
def calculate_angle(velocity, x, y):
angle1 = None
angle2 = None
g = 9.80665
root = math.sqrt( (velocity**4) - g*( (g * (x**2)) + (2 * y * (velocity**2)) ))
print "G", x
angle1 = numpy.arctan((velocity**2 + root) / (g*x))
angle2 = numpy.arctan((velocity**2 - root) / (g*x))
angle1 = 180 * angle1 / math.pi
angle2 = 180 * angle2 / math.pi
print "Calculated angles:"
print "Angle1:", angle1
print "Angle2:", angle2
return angle1, angle2
def calculate_position(zx, zy, px, py, eta, mytime):
distx = px - zx
disty = py - zy
ratio = float(mytime) / float(eta)
new_x = (distx * ratio) + zx
new_y = (disty * ratio) + zy
print "new coords:", new_x, new_y
return new_x, new_y
def shoot(angle, x, y, gun="r"):
dump = ""
if gun == 'r':
dump += "r, "
# I'm sorry...
global rcpt
rcpt += 1
print "Riffle count: " ,rcpt
dump += "p, "
# I'm sorry...
global pcpt
pcpt += 1
print "pistol count: ", pcpt
angle = str(angle)
dump += angle + ', '
dump += str(x) +", "
dump += str(y) + "\n"
print "Sending:"
print dump
data = s.recv(1024)
print data
return data
HOST = ""
PORT = 20689
RIFFLE = "2\n"
PISTOL = "3\n"
riffle_velocity = 975
pistol_velocity = 375
rcpt = 0
pcpt = 0
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# intro
data = s.recv(1024)
# pick guns
data = s.recv(1024)
data = s.recv(1024)
print data
#Game Start
# Need to sleep otherwise misses on gun changes
# This needs to be accounted for in the zombie's position
x, y = parse_level(data)
# Hint said 50ish... not enough pistolling at 50ish
if x < 55 and pcpt < 43:
a1, a2 = calculate_angle(pistol_velocity, x, y)
data = shoot(a2, x, y, gun='p')
a1, a2 = calculate_angle(riffle_velocity, x, y)
data = shoot(a2, x, y, gun='r')
if data.lower().find("flag") != -1: