(Makes your URL Short)
The first url shortner build with (python+Github Actions) for personal use
It works as a url redirector the default domain is set inside the short.py ie.littleurl.tech and CNAME File. The custom short url are to be placed in urls.json file which could be generated with our custom JSON Generator. As soon as the JSON file is edited with New url, github Actions does its job little url shortner workflow starts running and a new html file is generated in gh-pages branch with the url redirect.
- 1)Github Account.
- 2)Custom domain name.
- Original url:-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1coDzFd1liCH4CUSs0GPv7UiBpSEVcxhk/view?usp=sharing
- Shorten url:- https://littleurl.tech/comvis
- Original url:-https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jiff-the-dog-wins-halloween_n_56327e41e4b00aa54a4d7a89?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022&utm_content=buffer83279&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer&guccounter=1
- Shorten url:-https://littleurl.tech/jiffthedog
The main purpose of this repository is to make use of github actions to make this task automated , making it faster and easier to use.
Littleurl is MIT licensed.