- Yogesh Khatri (@swiftforensics) - Author & Maintainer of mac_apt framework and plugins
- Zachary Burnham (@zmbf0r3ns1cs) - Wrote the install shell script for mac_apt on macOS and Linux
- Adam Ferrante (@ferran7e) - Plugin Documentation on wiki and wrote DOCKITEMS & BLUETOOTH plugins
- Jack Farley (@JackFarley248) - Added Encryption support and plugins - IDEVICE_BACKUPS, IDEVICE_INFO, PRINTJOBS, IMESSAGE, SCREENTIME, QUICKLOOK
- Michael Geyer - Wrote the WIFI plugin
- Brandon Mignini - Wrote the AUTOSTART plugin
- Noah Sidall (@noah_sidd) - Wrote the INSTALLHISTORY plugin
- Austin Truax - Wrote the proof of concept parsing wifi information from airport plist
- Kurt-Helge Hansen - For publishing the paper detailing APFS internal structure and working, as well as providing some proof of concept code for parsing APFS containers. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319573636_Decoding_the_APFS_file_system
- Jonas Plum (@cugu_pio) & Thomas Tempelmann (@tempelorg) - For providing initial reference implementation using kaitai-struct (https://github.com/cugu/apfs.ksy). This was the basis for mac_apt's APFS implementation.