This tool crawls the material-design-icons repo and generates react svg icon components for each icon.
npm install
npm run build
The build script walks through all of the svg icons in the material-design-icons folder and generates the appropriate
files in the ./jsx
folder. It'll also compile the .jsx
files and create the cooresponding .js
in the ./js
node --help
can be used to pull up options available for building.
You can build your own SVG icons as well as collections like game-icons through environmental variables.
- directory to output jsx components--svg-dir
- SVG directory--inner-path
- "Reach into" subdirs, since libraries like material-design-icons use arbitrary build directories to organize icons e.g. "action/svg/production/icon_3d_rotation_24px.svg"--file-suffix
- Filter only files ending with a suffix
If you experience any issues building icons or would like a feature added, file and issue and let us know.