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File metadata and controls

137 lines (111 loc) · 6.9 KB

Getting Started

VRTK requires a supported VR SDK to be imported into your Unity3d Project.

  • Clone this repository git clone
  • Open VRTK within Unity3d.
  • Add the VRTK_SDKManager script to a GameObject in the scene.

VR Simulator

**Instructions for using the VR Simulator**
  • Drag the VRSimulatorCameraRig prefab from the VRTK/Prefabs into the scene.
  • Select the GameObject with the VRTK_SDKManager script attached to it.
  • Select Simulator for each of the SDK Choices.
  • Click the Auto Populate Linked Objects button to find the relevant Linked Objects.
  • Use the Left Alt to switch between mouse look and move a hand.
  • Press Tab to switch between left/right hands.
  • Hold Left Shift to change from translation to rotation for the hands.
  • Hold Left Ctrl to switch between X/Y and X/Z axis.
  • All above keys can be remapped using the inspector on the VRSimulatorCameraRig prefab.
  • Button mapping for the VR control are as follows:
  • Grip: Left mouse button
  • Trigger: Right mouse button
  • Touchpad Press: Q
  • Button One: E
  • Button Two: R

SteamVR Unity Asset

**Instructions for using the SteamVR Unity3d asset**
  • Import the SteamVR Plugin from the Unity Asset Store.
  • Drag the [CameraRig] prefab from the SteamVR plugin into the scene.
  • Check that Virtual Reality Supported is ticked in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Ensure that OpenVR is added in the Virtual Reality SDKs list in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Select the GameObject with the VRTK_SDKManager script attached to it.
  • Select Steam VR for each of the SDK Choices.
  • Click the Auto Populate Linked Objects button to find the relevant Linked Objects.
  • Optionally, browse the Examples scenes for example usage of the scripts.

Oculus Utilities Unity Package

**Instructions for using the Oculus Utilities Unity3d package**
  • Download the Oculus Utilities from the Oculus developer website.
  • Import the OculusUtilities.unitypackage into the project.
  • Drag the OVRCameraRig prefab from the Oculus package into the scene.
  • Check that Virtual Reality Supported is ticked in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Ensure that Oculus is added in the Virtual Reality SDKs list in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Select the GameObject with the VRTK_SDKManager script attached to it.
  • Select Oculus VR for each of the SDK Choices.
  • Click the Auto Populate Linked Objects button to find the relevant Linked Objects.

XimmerseSDK for Unity (experimental)

**Instructions for using the Ximmerse Unity SDK**
  • Download the Ximmerse Unity SDK from the Ximmerse SDK Github page.
  • Import the XIM01-v2.0.1.unitypackage into the project.
  • Drag the VRCameraRig prefab from the Ximmerse Unity SDK into the scene.
  • It is recommened to use "Floor Level" as the Tracking Origin Type, with VRCameraRig positon's set to (0f,0f,0f).
  • "Eye Level" can also be used as the Tracking Origin Type. However, the positons of VRCameraRig is recommended to set to (0f,1.675f,0f) in this case.
  • Please make sure SimplePicker.cs is NOT attached on gameobject "cobra02-L" and "cobra02-R". SimplePicker script is provided by Ximmerse SDK, while having the script on the profab may break VRTK grab functionality.
  • Change platform to Android.

Currently Ximmerse 6DOF tracking is only supported on Android. 3DOF tracking is supported on both iOS and Android. We are getting MFI cert from Apple at the moment.

  • Check that Virtual Reality Supported is ticked in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Ensure that Oculus is added in the Virtual Reality SDKs list in the Edit -> Project Settings -> Player menu.
  • Make sure VRTK_SDK_XIMMERSEVR is defined in Scripting Define Symbols.
  • Select the GameObject with the VRTK_SDKManager script attached to it.
  • Select Ximmerse VR for each of the SDK Choices.
  • Config Linked Objects:
  • Actual Boundaries = VRCameraRig
  • Actual Headset = CenterEyeAnchor
  • Actual Left Controller = LeftHandAnchor
  • Actual Right Controller = RightHandAnchor
  • Model Alias Left Controller = _VisibleObject (child of LeftHandAnchor)
  • Model Right Left Controller = _VisibleObject (child of RightHandAnchor)

Google VR SDK for Unity (experimental)

**Instructions for using the Google VR SDK for Unity**
  • Open a new or existing project in Unity (5.4.2f2-GVR13 or other version with Daydream integration).
  • Import asset package GoogleVRForUnity you downloaded from Google.
  • Build Settings:
  • Target platform: Android
  • Player settings:
  • Virtual Reality Supported > Daydream
  • API Level: Nougat
  • Bundle Identifier and other settings for use with Android.
  • In Hierarchy, create empty GameObject named DaydreamCameraRig.
  • Move or create a Camera as child of DaydreamCameraRig, reset its transform position: 0,0,0.
  • Add GvrControllerPointer prefab from Assets/GoogleVR/Prefabs/UI.
  • Add GvrControllerMain prefab from Assets/GoogleVR/Prefabs/Controller/.
  • Add GvrViewerMain prefab (enables view in editor play mode).
  • Disable Daydream's native pointer tools.
  • Camera object, disable or remove GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster component (if present).
  • GvrControllerPointer/Laser, disable or delete.

Setup VRTK Components

  • In Hierarchy, create an empty GameObject named [VRTK].
  • Add component VRTK_SDKManager
  • Add a child empty GameObject named RightController.
  • Note: Daydream supports only one controller, LeftController will not be used. If present, can be disabled or deleted.

  • SDK Selection
  • In Inspector, choose Quick Select SDK: Daydream
  • In Player Settings, ensure Scripting Define Symbols: VRTK_SDK_DAYDREAM
  • Linked Objects:
  • Click Auto Populate Linked Objects, that should set:
    • Actual Boundaries: DaydreamCameraRig
    • Actual Headset: DaydreamCameraRig/Camera
    • Actual Left Controller: empty
    • Actual Right Controller: DaydreamCameraRig/GvrControllerPointer/Controller
  • Controler Aliases:
  • Model Alias Left Controller: empty
  • Model Alias Right Controller: DaydreamCameraRig/GvrControllerPoints/Controller
  • Script Alias Left Controller: empty
  • Script Alias Right Controller: [VRTK]/RightController