ELF Option Parser and Interface
Basically in the folder src_cpp/elf/options/ and src_py/elf/options/;
Important classes like game , model , trainer , evaluator , sampler and so forth;
All arguments from command line are parsed by argparser in py_option_spec.py
class PyOptionSpec does the parsing;
Inheritted from class OptionSpec in C++;
After doing the parsing, parse() will convert the parsed arguments to a Option Map class.
A class to handle Argument by Json shared info between python and C++;
class PyOptionMap receives a PyOptionSpec class and saves as a member;
Inherited from class OptionMap in C++;
class OptionSpec {
bool addOption (string optionName, string help)
bool addOption(string optionName, string help, T defaultValue)
vector<string> getOptionNames(): get all option names as a vector;
json **getPythonArgparseOptionsAsJSON ()** wrap everything up in a json array;
string getPythonArgparseOptionsAsJSONString ()
addPrefixSuffixToOptionNames(string prefix, string suffix)
const OptionBase& getOptionInfo()
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<OptionBase>> optionSpecMap_;