The following instructions will help you configure and create a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean:
$ doctl auth init
$ doctl kubernetes cluster create --version 1.27.2-do.0 do-sonobuoy-1272 --node-pool "name=conformance;size=s-4vcpu-8gb;count=3" --wait
Once the cluster has been created successfully, the kubectl context will automatically be updated to point at it.
Further instructions can be found in our product documentation.
Download Sonobuoy 0.56.16 tarball for your machine and unpack it:
tar xvzf sonobuoy_*.tar.gz
Reproduce the conformance run with the following steps:
./sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance --wait
outfile=$(./sonobuoy retrieve)
tar xvzf $outfile
Then inspect plugins/e2e/results/global/{e2e.log,junit_01.xml}